Research search results

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HOMED – Holistic Management of Emerging Forest Pests and Diseases

Adopting a holistic and multi-actor approach, HOMED aims to develop a full panel of scientific knowledge and practical solutions for the management of emerging native and non-native pests and pathogens threatening European forests.

Abracadabra (ABRA): Online Reading Support

Abracadabra (ABRA) is an online toolkit composed of phonics, fluency and comprehension activities based around a series of age-appropriate texts. The trial assesses a 20 week programme of lesson plans using the ABRA activities.

Dancing Bodies in Coventry

Dancing Bodies in Coventry is a Coventry City of Culture 2021 funded project that is being led by researchers from Coventry University’s Centre for Dance Research (C-DaRE). 

Work-Loop marketing assessment

A Pathfinder II Investment is intended to produce a fully viable proposition ready for seed investment.

Collaborative Working for the Sustainable Management of Natural Resources in Wales

This PhD project investigates the ways in which collaborative practices of natural resource planning, management and ownership are currently being pursued in Wales and with what effect.

True - TRansition paths to sUstainable legume based systems in Europe

True project aims to identify the best routes, or “transition paths” to increase sustainable legume cultivation and consumption across Europe.

Religious Health Interventions in Behavioural Sciences (RHIBS)

Investigators aim to create a foundational, shared language for researchers and practitioners to rigorously develop and evaluate religiously integrated health interventions.

Transforming Curricula Through Internationalisation and Virtual Exchange (iKUDU)

iKUDU aims to contribute to developing a contextualised South African concept of internationalisation of the curriculum, which will be embedded in the broad context of curriculum transformation.

FEVR: the virtual reality field experience

An international, interdisciplinary collaboration, which will develop a virtual reality field experience (FEVR) of various geological sites in South Africa’s Eastern Cape region.

PostUraL tachycardia Syndrome Exercise (PulSE) study

A lifestyle intervention designed by people with POTS, for people with POTS.

On Gesture

Opening research avenues around the topic of gesture and gesturality, in order to explore their role in the emerging postdigital landscape.

Decolonising Education: Fostering Conversations

This project aims to develop and pilot an approach to promoting conversations around decolonisation in higher education (HE).

InoCardia: Novel human-cell based assay for assessment of cardiovascular liability

The aim of this project was to test the concept of a higher throughput functional cardiac cell contractile assay under truly physiological conditions, advancing information on how the heart behaves functionally and enabling the testing of inotropic drugs in these conditions.

Through the eyes of children, young people and families - Evaluation of the model of care delivered by WellChild Nurses

This project carried out a longitudinal evaluation of the model of care delivered to children, young people and families with complex care needs by organisation WellChild.

Developing and Evaluating a Web-Based Self-Management Programme: iHOPE for Cancer Survivors

The aim of this project was to develop a web-based self-management programme for cancer survivors called iHOPE, and evaluate whether it improved quality of life, mental health and wellbeing among cancer survivors.

Jobs and Skills in the Leeds City Region

Low-paid work and in-work poverty are significant issues in the UK economy. The aim of this project is use research insights to help inform choices in Leeds City Region around employment and skills policy, particularly relating to in-work progression.

Working Together to Build Cooperative Food Systems

A special issue of the Journal of Agriculture, Food Systems, and Community Development (JAFSCD), on Cooperatives and Alternative Food Systems Initiatives, has just been edited by CAWR's Colin Anderson and will be freely available during July.

Teenage Cancer Trust North-West Pilot Site Evaluation: A participatory action research project in the NW of England evaluating Teenage and Young Adult cancer services

Coventry University were tasked with providing a  longitudinal evaluation of the Teenage Cancer Trust's pilot scheme in the North West. 

Building an Urban Serving University: a social relations programme for Coventry

Urban universities are a huge asset for their home cities. They are catalysts for social mobility, investors in infrastructure and providers of extensive employment opportunities.

Civil Engagement in Social Work: Developing Global Models

The overall aim of this joint exchange programme is to examine the role of social work (SW) and its engagement with civil society in supporting vulnerable members of the community.