Research search results

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RISING Global Peace Forum

This annual two day Forum builds on ‘The Ecology of Peace’ theme of our RISING symposia throughout 2019 to inform and inspire leaders, academics and practitioners about peace.


A workshop to explore what needs to be done, in the light of mass-migration across central America, to restore peaceful communities – with policymakers, academics and practitioners.

RISING Geography

A symposia to discuss how the unique contribution that geography and geographers can make to understanding and sustaining peace – with academics from across the UK.

Access to the BAWE Corpus

How to search the British Academic Written English Corpus.

Research using the BAWE Corpus

Research and publications based on the British Academic Written English Corpus.

Access and Resources

How to search the British Academic Spoken English Corpus.

Research using the BASE Corpus

(BASE) Research

Independent Evaluation of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM)

This project evaluated key aspects of the CSM functioning in the context of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) as it is today, 8 years after the Reform, and 3 years after the last evaluation.

Performing Inclusion

Performing Inclusion examines audience responses to dance performances by disabled people in North and East Sri Lanka and seeks to develop strategies for capacity building in ‘mixed able’ dance practices and the evaluation of arts for development activities. The project is a collaboration between University of Essex, Coventry University, VisAbility (a German and Sri Lankan ‘mixed-able’ dance organization) and 15 Sri Lankan researchers.

Urban and Rural Connectivity in Non-Metropolitan Regions (URRUC)

This project brought together stakeholders and research institutions from four EU countries to address the challenges of mobility and accessibility in four specific regions within their borders.

Managing the Impacts of Mega-Events: Towards Sustainable Legacies (CARNIVAL)

Investigating the factors that impact upon the planned and unplanned legacy outcomes of sporting and non-sporting mega-events and their implications for stakeholders.

Reality Remix

The 'Reality Remix' project brings together an interdisciplinary team of experts to address challenges and opportunities that emergent technologies bring to content creation and interaction methods in Mixed, Augmented and Virtual Reality.

Culture Moves

CultureMoves is a user-oriented project that aims to develop a series of digital tools and services that will enable new forms of touristic engagement and educational resources by leveraging the re-use of Europeana content.

Creative Spark - Kyrgyzstan

Our activity addresses the often-neglected segment of the creative enterprise sector based on ‘intangible cultural heritage’ (ICH), or ‘traditional cultural expressions’ (TCEs). We help young entrepreneurs in Kyrgyzstan develop more sustainable businesses through tailored intellectual property and marketing strategies.

Responsible Community Finance Research and Impact Programme

The innovative Responsible Community Finance Research and Impact Programme in CBiS has brought together and delivered a set of five simultaneously awarded but independent impact-led projects.

Phase 2 'Capacity Building and Internationalisation for Higher Education' Brazil Exchange

This British Council funded capacity-building project addresses UFES’s institutional and regional needs to enhance its internationalization capabilities within priority Social Sciences research areas as per its Internationalisation Plan.

The ReSSI Project: Good Practice for Local and Regional Authorities to Better Collaborate for Sustainable, Inclusive and Smart Development

Good Practice for Local and Regional Authorities to Better Collaborate for Sustainable, Inclusive and Smart Development

Cyber security monitoring and risk assessment in local government authorities: a social engineering exercise

The aim of this project was to achieve the operational change required to overcome some of the key barriers to eGovernance and ICT adoption, particularly those related to data security and operational resilience.

Austerity Retail in Britain

This project from the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) aims to critically examine the emergence of what we call ‘austerity retail’ initiatives amidst rising food poverty in Britain. These include ‘social supermarkets’ and other forms of ‘community shop’ offering highly discounted products, and often making use of ‘surplus’ or ‘rejected’ foods which would otherwise be thrown away. 

Tackling Religion-based Hate Crime on the Multi-Faith Campus

The project aimed to better support students in understanding what religion-based hate crime is and encourage them to report and receive support, and strengthen the existing reporting and case management mechanism.