Beyond Ecosystem Services: Brokering Agrobiodiversity Management Enterprises in Europe and Internationally (EcoBroker)

This Fellowship aims to explore innovative business models and learning approaches that will increase sustainable agro-biodiversity management and reconnect food chain players and civil society with agro-biodiversity values.

UKRI GCRF South-South Migration, Inequality and Development Hub

The potential of South-South migration contributing to development and delivery of the SDGs is widely acknowledged but remains unrealised, largely due to existing inequalities at the global, national and local levels which determine who is (and is not) able to migrate.

Slavery Compensation and The Highland Clearances

This project investigates whether the revolution in land ownership was fuelled by compensation money received in 1834 by slaveowners for the loss of their 'property' when slavery was abolished in the British Empire.

Post-Earthquake Structural Health Monitoring System (PE-SMS)

This proposal aims to develop a Post-Earthquake Structural Health Monitoring System (PE-SMS). The PE-SMS will be an end-to-end proof of concept wireless sensor network for collection, communication and aggregation of structural health data.

Not Going Shopping

Not Going Shopping is a practice-led research project that explores the potential of socially engaged photography to investigate the notion of queerness and represent the lived experience of people who identify as LGBTQ+.

Putting diversity back together

Understand the processes that influence the success or failure of ecological restoration effort and make robust predictions at regional scales.

Helping Hands Project

To design, deliver, and evaluate a home-school program of inclusion/early intervention for children with ADHD-like behaviours in Slovakia, Hungry, and Romania.


Reducing the amount of instrument cabling on turbine engines is key to more efficient testing, and will enable reduced wiring weight and complexity on production engines in the future.

UNDERTREES - Creating knowledge for Understanding ecosystem services of agroforestry systems through a holistic methodological framework

The overarching objective of UNDERTREES is to form an international and inter-sectoral network of 15 organisations in 3 continents (Europe, Africa and South America) working on a joint research programme in the field of agroforestry (AF) and ecosystem services (ES) assessment.

Maths Meets Myths: research from the statistical physics group at Coventry University

Maths Meets Myths is a new way of using statistical physics in connection with humanities. It helps us to trace commonalities and differences between characters in myths and legends across cultures, and visualise networks to see nuances in social systems.

Making Space: The Geographies of Minimalist Practices and Sustainable Consumption

The purpose of the study is to explore the motivations and practices of self-defined minimalists (or those who associate themselves with minimalist practice) and to explore minimalism’s potential link to sustainable consumption practices.

4i: Immersive Interaction Design For Indie Developers With Interactive Machine Learning

This project aims to support independent developers and artists in designing movement and body based interaction for Virtual Reality and immersive media, by building tools that allow designing by moving via Interactive Machine Learning.

SAFERUP! Sustainable, Accessible, Safe, Resilient and Smart Urban Pavements

The overall purpose of SAFERUP! is to inform the design, operation and installation of the next generation of urban pavements.

Governing Natural Resources for Food Sovereignty

The objective of this preliminary research is to elaborate a 3-year participatory action research (PAR) project on the governance of natural resources for food sovereignty.

British Council UK-SA Project

This project is a collaboration between Walter Sisulu University, Coventry University and Stellenbosch University. The project is focused on enhancing staff doctoral capacity training and expertise for underrepresented groups in South Africa.

Harnessing Growth Sectors for Poverty Reduction: What Works to Reduce Poverty through Sustainable Employment with Opportunities for Progression

Employment has been seen as a key route out of poverty, however there are also increasing concerns about the prevalence of in-work poverty in the UK. The proposed research seeks to fill a gap in evidence about 'what works' in harnessing growth sectors for poverty reduction.

From the East End of London to the Favelas of Rio de Janeiro: The relevance and transferability of the social legacy programmes of the London 2012 Olympic and Paralympic Games (LONRIO)

Project findings highlight how clear communication with the local community and proper inclusion in the planning and implementation phases can potentially greatly improve the satisfaction levels of the host community with regard to the event and the legacies it may bring.

Democratising Agricultural Research in Europe (DARE)

Democratising Agricultural Research in Europe, or D.A.R.E., is a project that brought together food producers, researchers and activists from Europe to share knowledge on participatory and transdisciplinary approaches to research in agriculture. The project focused specifically on agroecological initiatives in Europe, and explored how research can help to realise the potential of these approaches to enable sustainable and just food systems.

Work Buddy: Supporting people with learning difficulties learn and recall new tasks

Work Buddy is an android-based app that seeks to support people with learning disabilities to learn and recall new, or infrequently performed tasks, at home, when travelling and in the workplace.

Re/presenting Islam on Campus

Running from 2015 to 2018, the project analysed how Islam is understood on university campuses with a view to an open, informed discussion about Islam as an aspect of British life.