Building Japanese research capacity around disability studies and sport to positively impact the lives of people with disabilities - 2020 and beyond

Building Japanese research capacity around disability studies and sport to positively impact the lives of people with disabilities - 2020 and beyond

Creating resilience and sustainability in flower supply chains

The project is undertaking various forms of research to better understand the impacts of the pandemic on the floriculture sector so that longer lasting support can be provided and to better understand the factors which help supply chains to be resilient during times of crisis.

Enhancing Science and Innovation Capacity of Vietnam for Sustainable Development

Significant and meaningful solutions to real world problems requires researchers that have the necessary knowledge, skills, and innovation on a global level.


Encounters addresses and explores the liminal experience of walking through the built environment, where part of that experience is observing planted trees, and wild planting, where vegetation had sprouted of its own accord, particularly in the suburban setting.,

Investigating the health benefits of hot water immersion as an adjunct to exercise

This work will form the basis of empirical evidence to develop this emerging field. From a health perspective this work will inform and develop a novel area of complimentary therapy for populations who struggle to meet national exercise guidelines.

Expressions of Self: Race, Religion and Representation of care-experienced children and young people

This research will work with Black, Asian and mixed-heritage children and young people to generate child-led narratives of their identity, focussing on understandings of ethnicity and religion and how these intersect with being in adoptive or foster care.

Managing Declines Positively

The project aims to change the practices of credit unions and CDFIs in managing declines, to better support these vulnerable clients, leading to positive change in their financial wellbeing.

Buy Now Pay Later in the UK: Current and emergent digital vulnerabilities

This pilot research will investigate current and emerging digital vulnerabilities through “new” FinTech Buy Now Pay Later business models and services operating in the UK.

Music, Medicine and Dance - exploring what it means to perform

This AHRC-funded Network project is led by Prof Roger Kneebone (PI), Imperial College, London and Sarah Whatley (Co-I)  and brings together a network of practitioners, academics, and educators from music, dance, fine arts, medicine, and science to investigate the role of cross-disciplinary approaches to performance.

Innovatory Methods in Policymaking: The Use of Verbatim Theatre

Funded through the Strategic Priorities Fund, the project explores new forms of data gathering for policy making, and specifically the role of Headphone Verbatim Theatre in assessing the impact of Coventry City of Culture 2021 on citizens and their views of Coventry.

STEM and Belief in UK and USA Higher Education

To promote meaningful university STEM opportunities for underrepresented belief groups, this mixed methods project seeks to better understand how to foster STEM environments inclusive of belief diversity.

Community Food Hub in Foleshill, Coventry: An Evaluation

The Community Food Hub (CFH) in Foleshill, Coventry, started operating in March 2020 as a pilot project delivered by Feeding Coventry in partnership with Feeding Britain and funded by The National Lottery Community Fund.

Researching the dance ecology of Coventry: resilience, creativity and imagining the future.

COVID-19 continues to have an impact on all areas of society, and the cultural sector is still in the process of learning about what this means long term. Contemporary dance in particular has had to discover new ways to be resilient and creative not only in terms of social distancing with its impact on how dancers can train and rehearse, but also adapting priorities for audience engagement and participation.

Performing AI

Young people will be most affected by artificial intelligence (AI) and automation, according to UNICEF (2018). They therefore require knowledge and agency regarding Al systems.

Exploring unarmed civilian self-protection in Cameroon's Anglophone conflict

This research investigates community-led initiatives of unarmed civilian protection in the ongoing ‘Anglophone conflict’ in Cameroon.

Resilience Beyond Observed Capabilities - RBOC Network Plus

The RBOC (Resilience Beyond Observed Capabilities) Network Plus will create new knowledge, new capabilities and new opportunities for collaboration to help the UK prepare for security threats in the coming decades.

GAP-E: Transdisciplinary Approaches to Researching Key Industry Gaps in AI and Ethics

Coventry University lead on 'GAP-E: transdisciplinary approaches to researching key industry gaps in AI and Ethics.'

Freelance Dance Artists and Representation

This project will bring together freelance dance artists, representative agencies, policy makers, organisations and academics with a view to inform and influence public opinion, policy and practice.