FOOdIVERSE - Diversifying sustainable and organic food systems

The FOOdIVERSE project aims to produce practice-oriented knowledge on how diversity in diets, novel food supply chains and food governance contributes to more organic and sustainable food systems.

COACH - Collaborative Agri-food Chains: Driving Innovation in Territorial Food Systems and Improving Outcomes for Producers and Consumers

COACH will help coordinate strategies and disseminate good practices on how to strengthen territorial food systems and collaborative agri-food chains based on three building blocks: short food supply chains, civic food networks and sustainable public sector food procurement.

UK-SEA Partnerships and Exchanges Baseline Research (UK-SEA PEER)

This study aims to develop a greater understanding of policies, practices, emerging priorities and concepts of HE internationalisation in the UK and South East Asia.

Subtle Agroecologies: Farming with the Hidden Half of Nature

This research programme comprises a growing number of research projects, doctoral studies, academic publications and outreach activities. Subtle Agroecologies “is not a farming system in itself, but superimposes a non-material dimension upon existing, materially-based agroecological farming systems. It is grounded in the lived experiences of humans working on, and with, the land, and with nature over thousand of years to the present.” (Wright, 2021)

Talking Back: Hip Hop through research and practice

This three day event is grounded in feminist and critical theorist Bell Hook’s idea of “Talking Back” and will open up a space to learn more about the five pillars of Hip Hop (Knowledge, Graffiti, break dance, Djing and Emceeing).

Intelligent prediction of preterm birth using AI-empowered electrohysterography sensing

NIHR funded project aiming to develop an AI solution to predict preterm birth.

InoCardia: Delivering Improved Cardiac Safety Liabilities for Therapeutic Drugs Using the Contractome-AI

The commercialisation of Professor Maddock's academic research started with a vision that there was a fundamental need within the Pharmaceutical Industry for the development of improved physiological relevant model to assess cardiac contractility.

Trade-off Management between Safety and Cybersecurity (TOMSAC)

This research is aimed at assuring cybersecurity and safety of complex CPS/IoT systems, which arise from convergence of Cyber Physical Systems (CPS) and Internet of Things (IoT).

Citizen Scientists Investigating Cookies and App GDPR compliance (CSI-COP)

CSI-COP involves citizen scientists to co-investigate the extent of online tracking through exploring cookies in websites and apps on mobile devices

Big Data, Big Capabilities: Developing the Senior Finance Professionals of the Future to Exploit the Benefits of Big Data

This study aims to examine the main capabilities that senior finance professionals/accountants need to make good use of BD in their decision-making and propose how senior finance professionals/accountants can acquire and develop a portfolio of these new capabilities.

Reducing Financial Vulnerability within Birmingham's Muslim Community

A research project led by the Centre for Business in Society aiming to Reduce Financial Vulnerability within Birmingham's Muslim Community.

Concentration or composition that is the question! How do exogenous fatty acids contribute to changes in metabolic flexibility of skeletal muscle?

Using Real-Time Cell Metabolic Analysis to establish how physiological and pathophysiological concentrations of FA impact mitochondrial function, capacity and substrate utilisation in human skeletal muscle cells.


The MyCoventry project is an initiative that supports Coventry as a ‘City of Peace and Reconciliation’, by welcoming non-EU and EEA National newcomers and giving them the opportunity to make a meaningful and positive contribution to the community.

Becoming the Terror: Foucault on Violent Politics

This research will examine previously undiscovered correspondence between Michel Foucault, Gilles Deleuze, and Félix Guattari specifically regarding political violence, vigilante attacks, and resistance to state repression.

Dialogue Moves: Embodying Diversity through Amerta Movement in Indonesia

This fellowship investigates how Amerta Movement practice supports dialogue between diverse ethnic and religious communities in Indonesia. This is especially important in a country where ‘unity in diversity’ is the national motto.

Restorative Business Models for the Automotive Sector and Beyond: Developing a predictive maintenance industrial symbiosis

A consortium of Hydrogen Fuel Cell (HFC) stakeholders covering the business, engineering, applications and circular economy dimensions, focussed on exploring the future lives for HFCs first used in the automotive settings.

FaçadeReLog Reverse logistics for the recovery of metal in the façade industry

A CBiS Project with the aim of supporting innovation, technology, and skills in the façade industry, particularly by directly addressing raw material challenges that require collaboration amongst stakeholders along the value chain.

Coventry Made Me

This rapid response project investigates how the city of Coventry and its various places have influenced the identity of creative individuals of the city – and acts as the inspiration for new work by the artist Mary Courtney.

Evaluating Cyber Security Evidence for Policy Advice: The Other Human Dimension (ECSEPA)

This project focuses on policy makers in the UK, specifically those civil servants who provide short and long term policy advice, either in response to specific crisis incidents or in the context of longer term planning for capacity building.

Dancing Bodies in Coventry - Part 2

The Dancing Bodies in Coventry project has secured funding from Coventry University City of Culture Grants 2019-2020 scheme and the University Partnership Coventry Creates Funding Call to embark on a second iteration of the project.