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Building Resourceful and Resilient Communities through Adaptive and Transformative Environmental Practice (RECOMS)

RECOMS is a Marie Sklodowska Curie (MSCA) Innovative Training Network funded by the European Commission. It is comprised of a transdisciplinary consortium of scientists, practitioners and change agents from eleven public, private and non-profit organisations located in six European Union countries.

Exceed in Coventry

Exceed in Coventry is a three-year project providing tailored help and support to over 1,300 Coventry residents, enabling them to progress into education, training, job search or employment.

Power to Change

This project aims to assess the social impact of small-scale agroecological businesses and food producing enterprises in the UK.

Exploring the Impacts of Brexit for Protected Food Names PFN in the UK

This research aims to explore the potential impacts and opportunities associated with Brexit for UK Protected Food Name Schemes (PFNs), and to create policy recommendations at the UK member state and national devolved scale for the future governance of PFNs.

From the Grounds Up: The Coffee Shop Industry and the Circular Economy

This study aims to explore how businesses and consumers can engage in the circular economy, the facilitators and inhibitors for doing so, and the importance of these actions for sustainable economies and societies. The UK and Germany are used as two case studies for exploring how and why the coffee shop industry takes part in the circular economy.

Multiphase Flow Metrology in Oil & Gas Production (MULTIFLOWMET II)

Multiphase flow measurement is a fundamental enabling metrology in subsea oil and gas production. However, field measurements exhibit high measurement uncertainty, costing industry billions of euros in financial exposure and production inefficiencies.

JRP-g15 LNG III - Metrology for LNG III – Metrological support for LNG and LBG as a transport fuel

The overall aim of the project is to enable the large scale roll-out of liquefied natural gas (LNG) and liquefied biogas (LBG) as a transport fuel.

General Practice Nursing: Leadership for Quality

The team were commissioned to undertake an academic evaluation and impact assessment of the Delivering Quality in General Practice Project and produce a targeted evaluation report on the outcomes, detailing findings and recommendations.

Improvement Science Training for European Healthcare Workers (ISTEW)

Developing shared academic and practice based programmes that enable European universities to build improvement capability and capacity within their own healthcare workforce.

BOND - Bringing Organisations and Network Development to Higher Levels in the Farming Sector in Europe

The aim of this project is to reach higher levels of organisation and networking, and develop a healthier, and more productive and harmonious farming sector in Europe for the long term.

Reading and home-education: a questionnaire study

The aim of this project is to find out more about home-educators’ motivations and approaches to the teaching of reading.

Beyond Booked Up

The Centre for Research in Psychology, Behaviour and Achievement have been commissioned by the BookTrust to evaluate their initiative Beyond Booked Up: a suite of activities that aim to engage secondary school pupils in Year 7 and 8 with reading.

Making Waves: RIPPLE 2

Respiratory Innovation: Promoting a Positive Life Experience

A Status Market Approach to the Electric Vehicles Market

Electric Vehicles (EVs) are being promoted for their potential for reducing CO2 emissions, local air pollution, and dependence on oil imports. However, their uptake has remained slow despite heavy investment in upstream technologies and production, and a raft of economic incentives to potential consumers. This research will consider the interdependency between manufacturing and services in the context of the interactions between networks of producers, business services and consumers. In doing so, it will enable us to assess how different approaches to consumers can help to develop the EVs market.

Understanding the hidden engine of mega events: exploring the expectations, experiences and benefits of mega events for volunteers and temporary workers

The overall aim of this project is to develop an in-depth understanding of two key groups within the workforce that are crucial to the successful delivery of mega events: volunteers and temporary workers. In particular it seeks to address a number of research objectives.

Legacies of Sport Mega Events

The objective of the study is to identify the reason of anti-consumerism resistance that appear in Brazil during the World FIFA Football Cup and before the Olympic and Paralympic Games. To compare the movements from the perspective of the riots, protests objectives and the proportion of attendance can brings important elements for the organise committees of mega events in the futures and also, move forward the actions in the sport marketing and sport management fields. 

Measuring the Social, Making Markets: Imagining and Constructing Global markets for Social Investment

The project will analyse the (international) creation of social investment (SI) markets, addressing the following research objectives: What ideas and discourses support the different models of an SI market? How do different understandings translate into market practice? How do market practices travel across space and place?

National Action Plans on Women, Peace and Security

The Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR - Coventry University) and the Institute of British - Irish Studies (IBIS- University College Dublin), supported by North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO)'s Science for Peace and Security Programme, will convene a two–day expert Advanced Research Workshop entitled ‘National Action Plans (NAPs) on Women, Peace and Security’ at the National University of Ireland in Dublin, on 11 and 12 May 2016. 

FinCris: Responsibilities, Ethics and the Financial Crisis

FinCris seeks to enlarge the public understanding of the financial crisis and the understanding among officials, regulatory and consumer bodies of the ethical issues raised by the crisis, specifically, how responsibilities for what has gone wrong create obligations to some of those badly affected by the crisis.

The defence of new cultural centrality in cities of mega-events: the cultural legacy of Rio 2016

The objective of this research is to analyse the importance of culture in the city planning which is an indispensable way in understanding the local identities and its history.