Research search results

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ViRAL - Virtual Reality Archive Learning

The aim of the ViRAL project is to upskill less advantaged community groups through engagement with local cultural heritage and the use of archives.

Celebrating local stewardship in a global market: community heritage, intellectual property protection and sustainable development in India

This project engages with three Indian cases to investigate how developing ‘heritage-sensitive’ marketing and intellectual property protection strategies can give communities greater control over the commercialisation of their heritage to strengthen competitiveness while contributing to its safeguarding and on-going viability.

Youth, Violence and Conflict Transformation: Exploring mobilization into violence and the role of youth in peacebuilding

This project looks at how we can ensure that young people’s voices are listened to and acted upon in societies where youth marginalisation has previously been a factor facilitating their mobilisation into violence.

Morphology, phonology and literacy in primary years: Evidence from eye-movements and dynamic assessments.

My PhD research investigates the role of morphological awareness in the literacy development of budding readers. The project will take a closer look at the developmental trajectory of morphological awareness development, as it relates to other literacy skills by testing three different age groups within primary years.

Addressing inequality, enhancing diversity and facilitating greater dialogue in the hosting of sporting mega events (EventRights)

The EventRights project will explore and produce recommendations as to how major sporting events (MSEs) can influence MSE organising committees and other stakeholders to ensure that progressive social opportunities to address inequality, enhance diversity. 

How does diagnosis of dyslexia impact on identity, self-belief and reading progress in children and adults?

This study aims to contribute towards a better understanding of the impact of identifying dyslexia in children and adults.  Of specific interest is the effect on identity, self-belief and reading progress in light of the age at which a learner is identified as dyslexic.

BiLex: A Psycholinguistic Database for Bilingual Children

BiLex is the first database compiled from textbooks used in bilingual education and provides word translations, pronunciations, spelling and psycholinguistic values. The database will provide the basis for the development of teaching and research material.

Multi-disciplinary evaluation of sexual assault referral centres for better health (MESARCH)

This research project will evaluate Sexual Assault Referral Centres (SARCs) across England in terms of benefits and costs to service users and survivors of sexual assault and rape.

Prosody, Morphology, Phonology and Multisyllabic Word Reading

We hope that this project will provide us with further insight of a newly emerging side of literacy research as it incorporates the metalinguistic skill of prosody.

Small Group Reading Support

Small Group Reading Support, a literacy intervention for Year 1 students. Funded by Education Endowment Foundation. Impact: If successful, improve literacy outcomes for KS1 pupils across the country.

Literacy development: a review of the evidence

Literacy development: a review of the evidence

The politics of migration, displacement and belonging among Afghans migrants and refugees in Europe and North America

Our research on Afghan experiences of displacement and migration focuses in the following issues: the politics of the migration, asylum and resettlement of Afghans in Europe and North America; Afghan journeys and migration into Europe and the engagement of recently arrived Afghans in Europe for peacebuilding and development in Afghanistan. We aim to examine the situate of the complex migration histories of Afghans who have recently migrated from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan within debates around the categorisation, intersectionality and development in migration.

Innovative designs of sustainable agro-hydro-health systems

Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, the British Council and Akademi Sains Malaysia will be holding a 5-day workshop in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia commencing on 31 July 2017. The workshop is being coordinated by Professor Sue Charlesworth (Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University) and Associate Professor Dr. Abdul Halim Ghazali (Universiti Putra Malaysia), and will have contributions from other leading researchers. The workshop will explore the following research topics in relation to ‘off-grid’ communities.

Optimisable system-level thermal models for power electronic converters

This project is focused on the design of reliable yet efficient thermal models underpinning an optimal design framework for power electronic converters. Due to the high number of times these models must be evaluated during the optimisation process, they are required to be of low computational cost (so-called ‘optimisable’).

A Multi-Scalar Exploration into the Internal and External Drivers of Citizen Participation in Community Food Growing Projects in Lambeth, London

The aim of this doctoral research is to explore the internal and external drivers influencing citizens' participation in urban community food growing projects.

On Behalf of the People: Work and Community in the Nationalised British Coal Industry, 1947-1994

This 3 year study will conduct a revised history of the nationalised British coal industry (1947-1994), examining this from a macro-, meso-, and micro-, perspective.  

Developing an action research based approach for understanding local institutions and improving livestock-based livelihoods of communal farmers in Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

The proposed project brings together scholars from Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) at Coventry University (CU) and Department of Animal Sciences (DoAS) at Stellenbosch University (SU) as part of a knowledge exchange around action based research approaches that can be applied in exploring local institutions and livelihoods of communal livestock farmers in South Africa.

Sensing the City: an Embodied Documentation and Mapping of the Changing Uses and Tempers of Urban Place

The overall purpose of the research is to model a usable practice-based template for sensing the city, drawing on the city of Coventry (UK) as a case-study in the first instance. The template will offer a range of methodologies towards, first, engaging constructively and productively with urban sites using the sensate presence of the human body as the primary means of gathering data and, second, processing and presenting that data in innovative ways within a critical framework that assesses the city's habitability and sustainability. 

How do EV adopters make decisions? Understanding their behaviours and exploring the strategic role of brands for CBiS

This study aims to assess whether an alternative approach of new market entrants, such as Tesla, in marketing the EV as a desirable gadget, badge of honour and ‘must-have’ brand, is likely to bring about mass adoption and a step-change in sales.

Correlation between the Zika virus and sanitary and drainage conditions in the Metropolitan Areas of Fortaleza/Ceará (Brazil)

The aim of this project is to investigate the relationship between mosquito-vectored Zika, inadequate provision of secure and safe potable supplies, drainage and sanitation.