Assembly: Socially engaged photographic practice with people experiencing homelessness

For over 15 years Anthony Luvera has created long-term projects with homeless people in cities and towns across the UK, including London, Colchester, Belfast, and Brighton.

Urban Village: The Roma's Allotment Project

Urban Villages aims to bring together Roma and non-Roma to co-create a short film, images and a digital scrapbook exhibition that focuses on the experiences, identity and voices of the Roma people told by the Roma people.

Exploring the relationship between uniform and perceived employee happiness and productivity

This project sought to understand the employee perspective on the impact uniform has on their happiness and productivity in their role.

Cooking Connections Coventry: Home-based Sensory Food Experiences for Wellbeing

Connections Coventry explores how creative food-based sensory activities can support wellbeing for older people in isolation during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Creative Freelancer Business Models and Place-based Growth

The project is designed to address an important evidence gap around the contribution of freelancers to the economic and place-based impacts of the creative industries.

Why are pregnant women in prison?

The aim of our study is to find out why pregnant women spend time in prison, on remand, on recall from licence conditions and on sentence.

Investigating stakeholder perspectives on the role of the semi-wild pony in maintaining biodiversity and agricultural sustainability in the uplands of Wales

The mountains, hills and valleys of Wales play a central role in the culture, recreation, economy and environment of the Welsh nation and yet they are declining. The semi-wild (or semi-feral pony) is native to Wales and can play a critical role in reversing that decline.

Virtual Reality for Augmenting Creativity and Effectiveness of School Training (VR-ACE)

A 3D virtual reality educational environment will be developed in this project, providing an innovative educational infrastructure.

CreativeCulture 4.0

The project aims to broaden and extend the impact of experiential learning through play and gamification as a creative, emphatic and inclusive pedagogical practice in Malaysia towards Education 4.0 responding to Industry 4.0.

Critical Practices Talks

The Critical Practices Talks is a series of monthly conversations curated by Carolina Rito with researchers and practitioners in the fields of art, curating, critical theory and museum studies.


VIBES is choreographic and audio collective performance, seeking to make hundreds or thousands of people not knowing each other, meet in a shared dance performance, guided through headphones.

Midlands Centre for Data Driven Metrology (MCDDM)

The Midlands Centre for Data-Driven Metrology (MCDDM) is a multi-site collaboration between the University of Nottingham, Loughborough University, and Coventry University.


This project seeks to develop and test new processes that enable rapid, high-quality, low-cost manufacturing of prototype samples of e-motor lamination stacks.

Voices from ‘Ground Zero’: Interrogating History, Culture and Identity in the Resolution of Cameroon’s ‘Anglophone’ Conflict

The overall aim of this project is to contribute towards resolving the conflict in Cameroon and enable peace which is in line with the CTPSR’s mission of fostering peaceful relations as well as CU’s aim of making positive impact and difference within communities.

Trusted Intelligent Connected Autonomous Vehicles (TIC-IT)

Connected and Autonomous Vehicles (CAV) are expected to bring huge benefits to society. The Trusted Intelligent CAV (TIC-IT) facility will be critical to this, providing a realistic, controlled high speed, limit-handling and fully connected environment.

Inkjet-printed respiratory rate wearable sensors for infants: Towards remote monitoring for low-setting villages and refugee camp

The monitoring of infants respiratory rate can contribute to the identification of several health problems and life threats. However, it is still the least documented and monitored parameter due to the shortage in advanced and user-friendly monitoring sensors/systems.

AccessCULT - Innovative Higher Education teaching contents for achieving sustainable ACCESSibility of CULTural heritage for ALL

AccessCULT seeks to improve the accessibility of cultural heritage across Europe through the exchange of good practice. The project will develop, implement, test, and promote innovative multidisciplinary, learning content targeted at students as future experts, and existing cultural workers.

CoDa | Cultures of Dance. European Research Network for Dance Studies

This Scientific Research Network (WOG) aims to advance the emerging field of dance studies both in a Flemish and European context through the creation of an interuniversity platform that facilitates the interaction between dance scholars.

Escape Racism - toolbox to promote inclusive communities

The project “Escape Racism – Toolbox to promote inclusive communities” has the main aim of building inclusive societies where young people are promoting the respect of human rights, combating racism and discrimination and acting as multipliers for their peers.

Collaborative research on Women’s Communal Land Rights (WCLR) in Africa

The overarching objective of this project is to draw lessons from and scale up efforts to advance Women’s Communal Land Rights in East and West Africa.