The overall objective is to set up a Research Network that will hold two workshop/laboratories and a symposium to identify important research questions concerning how dance research and human-computer interaction (HCI) can inform each other.
RISING: dialogue and debate to push forward new ways of thinking about how we approach threats and confrontations in today’s turbulent world.
An updated picture of the size of the UK social investment market.
The RIPPLE project applied an asset-based community development approach to improve wellbeing and reduce the high levels of anxiety and social isolation observed in individuals with severe Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD) in Coventry.
The aim of this pilot study is to explore the role of community and land based interventions in supporting rehabilitation, with a focus on desistance and resettlement.
The British Academic Spoken English (BASE) corpus is a record of the speech of university lecturers and students at the turn of the 21st century. The corpus consists of 160 lectures and 39 seminars recorded in a variety of university departments.
Exploring the development of the café industry, and understanding the role of different types of cafés in a range of urban spaces.
The purpose of this study is to collect questionnaire data and conduct focus groups with young people in Warwickshire to better understand their views and beliefs regarding smoking, stop smoking services and e-cigarettes.
Chance2Change is the development of a digital intervention to increase condom use amongst those self-testing for chlamydia.
This project aims to develop and evaluate an evidence-based online intervention for young carers in Warwickshire.
FALLCHECK is an innovative project designed to support people at risk of falling.
The overall aim of this research was to explore young people’s views on sexual consent, investigating how contexts affect the understanding and ability to consent, and beginning to explore the influence of social differences on attitudes towards consent.
MASELTOV - Mobile Assistance for the Social Inclusion and Empowerment of Immigrants with Persuasive Learning Technologies and Social Network Services.
Challenging teenagers in their own fields and areas of interest, PEGASO aims at promoting a sustainable change towards healthy lifestyles, with a holistic and multidisciplinary approach.
Promoting the development of the field of computational intelligence and applications in the UK, in particular, swarm intelligence and evolutionary computation.
This project aims to evaluate the UK and international evidence to help identify the most effective local level approaches which can link poor households to jobs that enable them to move out of poverty.
MAGELLAN - A Multimodal Authoring and Gaming Environment for Location based collaborative Adventures.
This project aims to quantify the temporal changes of flow patterns in the River Niger.
Aligning the scope of the competition by delivering weight reduction in the powertrain systems of road-going niche vehicles.
This project showcases the important relationships the Centre has with economic development agencies in its own sub-region. The Centre works closely with Coventry and Warwickshire Local Enterprise Partnership (CWLEP) in developing, hosting and maintaining an economic intelligence hub which provides a gateway to key data and economic reports on the sub-region as well as hosting relevant strategies and plans.