Dr. Rosamaria E. Kostic Cisneros

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Sariya Cheruvallil-Contractor

Associate Professor (Research), Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations

Dr. Mark Elshaw

Contact for robotics, neural network, electronic noses and biological inspired computing systems | Email: ab0487@coventry.ac.uk | Phone: +44 (0) 24776 53090

Dr. Chris Shannahan

Associate Professor, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations

Professor Glauco De Vita

Professor in Business and Management, Centre for Business in Society

Dr. Alexeis Garcia-Perez

Professor in Management Information Systems, Centre for Business in Society

Dr. David Bek

Associate Professor, Centre for Business in Society

Dr. Katharine Jones

Associate Professor, Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations

Dr. Chiara Tornaghi

Associate Professor, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience

Dr. Jesper Christensen

Assistant Professor, Institute for Future Transport and Cities

Dr. Marie-Louise Crawley

Assistant Professor, Centre for Dance research

Dr. Jeremy Bryans

Assistant Professor, Institute for Future Transport and Cities

Dr. Simon Ellis

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Victoria Thoms

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Panos Andrikopoulos

Centre Director, Professor, Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity 

James Bartlett

Contact for the differences in attentional bias between nicotine dependent and non-dependent smokers | Email: bartle16@uni.coventry.ac.uk

Dr. Mauro Sebastián Innocente

Associate Professor, Institute for Future Transport and Cities

Rosemary Lee, DLitt

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Priscilla Claeys

Senior Research Fellow, Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience

Dr Jim Rowley | Engineering, Environment and Computing

Contact for facility design, simulation, operations management, logistics, supply chain management and automation | Email: aa7696@coventry.ac.uk