Professor Neil Forbes

Professor of International History; Project Co-ordinator| Neil Forbes has held a number of senior academic posts at Coventry University. Until 2014, he was the Director of Research with a wide-ranging portfolio of responsibilities.

Jonathan Burrows

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Siobhan Davies

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Emma Meehan

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Karen Wood

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Rosamaria E. Kostic Cisneros

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Marie-Louise Crawley

Assistant Professor, Centre for Dance research

Dr. Simon Ellis

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Victoria Thoms

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Rosemary Lee, DLitt

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Amanda Jo-An Rogerson

Researcher| Faculty Research Centre for Dance Research (CDaRE)

Dr Kathryn Stamp

Dr Kathryn Stamp, Assistant Professor (Research), Research Centre for Dance Research

Professor Mark Evans

Professor Theatre Training and Education, Centre for Dance Research

Ruth Gibson

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Professor Sarah Whatley

Professor, Centre Director, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Hetty Blades

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr. Susanne Foellmer

Associate Professor, Centre for Dance Research

Dr Kate Marsh

Assistant Professor | Centre for Dance Research

Dr Charlie Ingram

Official staff profile for Charlie Ingram, Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Research Centre for Dance Research

Scott deLahunta

Professor in Dance, Centre for Dance Research