Dr David Jarvis has had two papers accepted
A workshop for youth work lecturers (HE and FE) and practitioners, funded by the Higher Education Academy, was held at Coventry University on 14 June 2012 addressing...
Celebrity culture makes women feel worse about themselves as they cannot afford to emulate the ideal, according to a paper published in the Journal of Gender Studies.
A free seminar series at Coventry University is set to explore how the transport systems of the future can be designed to boost economic growth, reduce carbon emissions...
Hilary Nesi and Sheena Gardner have received follow-on funding from the ESRC (ES/J010995/1, March 2012-February 2013) to draw on the original project findings and...
Two of Coventry University’s applied research institutes are collaborating to launch a new app design and evaluation service for smart phone and tablet devices.
JISC has funded the development of a Word Tree interface for the corpus.
A new initiative backed by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) will provide a boost for West Midlands-based companies looking to develop low carbon...
A new research and development centre that will play a leading role in alleviating rural poverty and ensuring food and water security worldwide is being launched by...
Aspiring forensic investigators at Coventry University swapped the laboratory for a live police exercise yesterday as they joined West Midlands Police to help train the...
A new exhibition of work by MA students from the Coventry School of Art and Design starts this week.
Senior Photography lecturer Elly Clarke has had her film documenting a journey on the Trans-Siberian Railways screened at the MK Gallery in Milton Keynes.