Mindfulness and meditation practices can actually be associated with unwanted negative effects such as depression and anxiety, a review led by Coventry University has...
A Coventry University researcher and Middlesex University academic hope their new book, which assesses the impact of the UK government’s Prevent Duty counter-terrorism...
Say hello to the pandemic-proof car of the future as imagined by Coventry University researchers!
Coventry University academics have received funding to advance Women’s Communal Land Rights (WCLR) in East and West Africa as they aim to address the research gap in...
Coventry University has selected PhD Candidate Dominik Klepl as the first researcher to join the A*STAR Research Attachment Programme (ARAP).
Professor Mike Hardy stepped down from his role as Executive Director of the centre at the end of July 2020.
A Coventry University research project, aiming to develop a wearable, accurate and affordable respiratory monitor for newborn babies in refugee camps, has been...
Coventry University, led by the Centre for Business and Society, has joined the Emergent Alliance.
We asked Anya Goncalves Geiger, a PhD researcher in the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR), why she decided to undertake her postgraduate studies at...
A Coventry University-led research project investigating GDPR compliance through cookies in websites and apps has launched an innovative tracking-free website, which has...
Coventry University’s Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations (CTPSR) is part of a project exploring possible resolutions to a civil war that has displaced more...
Dr Lorenzo Pasculli has submitted evidence to the House of Commons’ Treasury Committee to assess the Government’s response to COVID-19-related fraud risks and suggest...