VIRTEU Roundtable Discussion: CSR, Business Ethics and Human Rights in the area of taxation

This series brings together special guests from renowned academic institutions, researchers associated with the VIRTEU project, and experts from enforcement agencies, non-governmental organisations and law firms to discuss the project’s shared goals.

Artificial intelligence and financial technology in global financial corporations - For good or for profit?

This event is part of the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity's public seminar series

The Legal Route from the (De)Responsibilisation of Corporations to Systemic Corruption

This event is part of the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity's public seminar series.

Understanding(s) of Coventry UK City of Culture 2021

As part of the CBiS public seminar series, this session offers two perspectives on the relationships between the city and creativity in order to broaden understandings of the City of Culture designation.

VIRTEU Roundtable Discussion: Exploring the interconnections between tax crimes and corruption

This series brings together special guests from renowned academic institutions, researchers associated with the VIRTEU project, and experts from enforcement agencies, non-governmental organisations and law firms to discuss the project’s shared goals.

Chronic Pain: The Fear and Joy of Moving Webinar

A discussion panel with a physiotherapist, psychologist, dancer and person with lived experience of pain on the theme of ‘Chronic pain: the fear and joy of moving’.

Promoting agroecology and community water resources management in the tropics - lessons

Rose Hagen has a lifetime commitment to sustainable agriculture and forest management in Ireland and globally. She designed and is embedding an agro ecological approach in twelve Trócaire country programmes.

Political Violence and Oil in Africa: The case of Nigeria

Dr Zainab Mai Bornu will introduce her research into oil and political violence in African conflicts, including a synoptic overview of a number of resource-rich countries in Africa.

Ownership of information during pandemics (COVID 19)

This public event is part of the CFCI seminar series.

Human-environment interactions in the Himalayan Sutlej-Beas system

The talk will focus on environmental research quantifying geomorphological and vegetation dynamics over multiple timescales.

Virtual Workshop 1: ‘Existing Intellectual Paradigms of HE and social mobility of women and minorities’

AHRC GCRF Minorities on Indian Campuses Research Network Event

From Indonesia to the UK: The sustainability risks of the coffee supply chain

This event is part of the Centre for Business in Society's public seminar series.

Interpreting Neural Network Outputs Webinar

This webinar by the Centre for Data Science will discuss why a neural network might mistake what clearly looks like a panda for a gibbon and other questions pertinent to interpreting neural network outputs.

Sustainability Values in Alternative Food Networks: The case of box schemes and CSAs

This seminar will show the results of a PhD research on box schemes and CSAs which concludes that they practice sustainability by choosing two main values: The principle value and commercial behaviour.

Digital financial inclusion and bank stability Nexus: International evidence

This event is part of the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity's public seminar series

Methodologies and tools for online professors and teachers

Professor Daniel Burgos (Visiting Professor, GLEA) will be exploring how educational technology and online methodologies are the right couple to reach a breakthrough in innovation.

Neural Assessments and Targeted Interventions for Hemiparetic Stroke

CDS is hosting Dr Yuan Yang, Assistant Professor in Biomedical Engineering at University of Oklahoma, USA, to deliver a seminar on novel interventions into non-invasive brain stimulation technology on stroke patients.

CBiS Seminar Series: No back to normal? COVID-19 and the future of transport

This seminar will assess how the pandemic could influence mobility and transport systems moving forward.

C-DaRE Invites...Bodies, AI, Ethics and Diversity

This event is suitable for anyone interested in the ethical development and use of data-driven technology including scholars, scientists, engineers, creative coders, performers and media artists.