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Chris Johnson

Associate Professor| Director of Design Project Work, with overall responsibility for all commercial design activity within the purpose built studios attached to the School of Art and Design.

Glenn Noble

Assistant Professor in Theatre| Glenn is a highly skilled and versatile theatre arts practitioner, having seventeen years experience of devising and directing professional theatre and teaching within Higher Education.

Nicole Panizza

Assistant Professor in Music Performance| Nicole Panizza is one of Ireland’s and the UK’s leading vocal accompanists, recitalists and coaches. Nicole studied at the Elder Conservatorium of Music, South Australia before continuing her postgraduate studies in London with Malcolm Martineau and Roger Vignoles. 

Gwénola Bescond

Course Director, Languages for Global Communication | School of Humanities | Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Email:

Dr James Henry

Lecturer in English | School of Humanities | Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Email: 

Spencer Murphy

Assistant Professor in Media and Communication| Spencer’s specialist field of academic interest is cross cultural analysis, post colonial theory and south East Asian cinema.

Jay Taylor

Course Director and Assistant Professor in Fine Art and Illustration| Jay Taylor graduated in 2005 with a BA (hons) Illustration degree from the University of Central Lancashire. He has since gone on to work as a freelance illustrator internationally for clients in editorial, design and advertising, publishing, music and new media.

Robert Smith

Lecturer in International Relations| Robert's research focuses on the theory and practice of statebuilding; contemporary Iraqi politics; counterinsurgency strategies in post-conflict environments; and British foreign policy during the Blair era.

Lisa Webb

Course Director and Senior Lecturer in Graphic Design| Lisa's subject specialism is Electronic Art and she has undertaken research and development work in the areas of PDP, as well as working proactively with the other School of Art and Design Teaching Development Fellow to develop pedagogic strategies for embedding PDP and Enterprise and Employability initiatives within the curriculum.

Salvatore Coluccello

Salvatore works for the Faculty of Arts and Humanities in the School of Humanities

Paul Smith

Deputy Head of School| He originally studied Fine Art at Coventry University and as part of his course he undertook a research project into contemporary art which included living on an Aboriginal reserve for four months.

Dr. Marina Orsini-Jones

Professor in Education Practice| Marina is Professor in Education Practice in the School of Humanities and Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy.

Dr Michael Cribb

Assistant Professor of English Language | School of Humanities | Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Email:

Monika Koehler-Ridley

Assistant Professor in English Language| Michael spent many years teaching English language and linguistics in the Far East before returning to the United Kingdom in 2004. He currently teaches English language at Coventry University where he specialises in discourse analysis and psycholinguistics. A fellow of the HEA (Higher Education Academy) and he has presented at many conferences, the most recent one being in Valencia, Spain.

Simon Smith

Assistant Professor in Academic English| Simon is a published, research-active corpus linguists who consider himself first and foremost language teacher.

Dr. Tim Nisbet

Lecturer in English and German| Tim completed a PhD in Germanic linguistics at the University of Reading in 2007 and has since worked at Coventry University mainly teaching academic English with a leaning towards the needs of postgraduates. I have also given language teacher training and presently manage the University’s German language provision.

Tiziana Cervi-Wilson

Assistant Professor | School of Humanities | Faculty of Arts and Humanities | Email: 

Holly Vass

Assistant Professor in English and Languages| Holly works in the area of TEFL and she is a Cambridge-approved CELTA tutor. Holly’s background is in Spanish and applied linguistics, and she lived and taught EFL in Spain for over two decade.

Dr. Damian Sutton

Professor of Photography Theory and Culture| Damian leads research support and development in the School of Media and Performing Arts, working with researchers and research practitioners in media production, photography, theatre, music and dance.

Malcolm Bradbrook

Malcolm is the Course Director for Journalism and has been working in the media and public relations for more than two decades as a writer, designer, videographer, news editor and manager.