Sustainable Travel
Travel by students and staff generates a portion of the University’s Scope 3 Carbon Emissions. To support the reduction of these emissions Coventry University actively encourages all staff and students to choose low carbon, healthy and sustainable modes of transport.
In order to support Sustainable Travel across our campuses we have implemented:
- Free 7 Day Loan Bike Scheme for staff and students
- Free Bike Maintenance Checks with Dr Bike
- Free 1 day Brompton bike Loan for staff to use on short business journey’s across campus.
- Bike Security with the Protection Team
- Electric Car parking across two of our campuses for staff and students
- Investment in cycling infrastructure - Cycle parking, Cycle Lockers, Cycle Routes and Showers
- Staff are able to buy cycles through payroll and save hundreds of pounds
- A carshare scheme for staff and students
- Improved Video Conferencing
- Increased the number of electric vehicles within the Universities fleet.
- Regular Bicycle User Group (BUG) Meetings
- Work closely with Local Authority Active Travel Schemes including West Midlands Bike Scheme, Love to Ride West Midlands and other Cycling Projects
It’s really easy to get around all of Coventry University Campuses on foot, on a bicycle or by using public transport:
CU London Dagenham and Greenwich Campus
For further information take a look at our Sustainable Travel Plan. To learn more about these initiatives please log into Student Portal and Staff Portal.
University Estates are using electric vehicles to combat carbon emissions
Coventry University purchased its first electric vehicle in 2015 and now operates 13 across its Coventry campus, after five new vehicles joined the fleet in January 2021 under Coventry City Council's Electric Fleet First Project.
I was an early adopter of the idea of a full fleet of electric vehicles for the university, and we continue to work towards that aim. As well as benefiting Estates, two of our electric vehicles are autonomous and used for research and development at the Institute for Future Transport and Cities – a great opportunity for the university.
Fleet and Distribution Controller James Carter
Coventry University has used electric vehicles for many years and we firmly see this as the way forward. Use of these vehicles is just one of many initiatives to mitigate climate change though – we are proud of our commitment to sustainable practices and in leading the way to becoming carbon free as quickly as possible.
New sustainable projects and contributing to an improved local transport network, working with Coventry City Council in creating a 'Smart City', endorses our commitment to address both reduced air pollution and our contribution towards climate change.
Interim Group Director of Estates, Operations and Maintenance Michael Ricketts