Impact on the Environment
This is the first time that the environment has been prioritised within the delivery of a City of Culture. Led by the Centre for Business in Society and Centre for Agro-ecology, Water and Resilience, Coventry University, the study will evaluate how environmental issues are embedded within the overarching planning, governance and organisational delivery of Coventry City of Culture 2021.
The project will be undertaken over four stages:
- The first will map the environment within the City of Culture strategy documents and events programme, utilising a bottom-up approach to understand how the green programme is influencing citizen’s behaviours.
- The second stage uses walking and talking tours, focus groups and video methods to capture citizen’s perspectives at City of Culture project sites and events.
- The third stage will explore citizen’s experiences of environment issues, spaces and their perspectives of responsibility using participatory mapping methods. Participants will draw annotated maps and capture photographs and short videos to reflect and discuss where citizens are interacting with environmental issues in the city.
- The fourth stage draws together the data and insights collated to provide a full report that includes detailed case studies. The case studies will highlight the impact of City of Culture on citizen’s perceptions, engagement and practices relative to the environment and be supported with audio-visual testimonies.
About the team
Dr Jennifer Ferreira is a Research Fellow based at the Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University where she is involved in a range of projects as part of the Sustainable Production and Consumption, and Economic Development and Inclusive Economies research clusters. Her research interests take a dual focus. She is interested in the expansion and development of the coffee and coffee shop industries, in particular, the role of coffee shops and coffee shop cultures in different locations and economies; the importance of sustainability, and the role of the circular economy. Her other research interests surround issues related to economic geography, local and regional economic development, varieties of capitalism, labour markets, employment intermediaries, labour market regulation, and comparative institutional systems.
Dr David Bek was the project's principal investigator and is based at the Research Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University. David specialises in undertaking research into practices of ethical and environmental sustainability within horticultural supply chains. David is highly skilled at translating research findings into real-world solutions and has undertaken consultancy projects for corporate, third sector and professional organisations, through these relationships he has evaluated a range of programmes, identified solutions and proposed recommendations going forward. Examples include evaluating the socio-economic impacts of phasing out peat-based compost upon the UK’s growing media sector, and proposing solutions for certifying wild-harvested foliage in retailer supply chains.
Dr Geraldine Brown is a researcher based in the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience. Her background lies in Sociology and Social Policy. Her interest is in research that produces knowledge grounded in the lived reality of those whose voices are often missing or seldom heard. A key aim of her work is to identify factors that contribute to experiences of exclusion and marginalisation by individuals and groups, in order to provide evidence which can influence decision-making, and the development of socially just policy and practice approaches.
Dr Jordon Lazell was a researcher in the Sustainable Production and Consumption Cluster at the Centre for Business in Society at Coventry University. Jordon’s research focused on the problem of food waste. He explored the drivers of food waste at a household level, and also worked with retailers and businesses to understand how food waste comes about in the supply chain. Jordon co-edited the first Routledge Handbook of Food Waste and also co-founded the International Food Loss and Food Waste Studies Group, a research platform for academics and practitioners operating in this area.
Dr Margi Lennartsson-Turner is responsible for the ‘walk and talk’ methodology and in the design of the bespoke questionnaire to monitor peoples’ environmental awareness, behaviours and experiences with the natural environment in Coventry. Margi has been involved in many multidisciplinary research projects (funded primarily by Defra and the EU) related to agroecological land management, investigating both natural and social science aspects. She has been involved in trust-funded research to support community food growing groups nationwide to evidence the health, wellbeing and environmental outcomes of their activities, and to commission them as delivery partners in the emerging social prescribing initiatives. Margi has also led on a project to evaluate the outcomes of a land-based practical skills and therapeutic educational programme, for students with complex needs.
Focus studies
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