International Alumni Ambassadors
What is the scheme?
In 2016 we set up the CU International Alumni Ambassador Scheme in 5 of our biggest alumni regions; China, India, Jordan, Nigeria and Hong Kong.
Our Ambassadors are situated worldwide to build a bridge between Coventry University and our alumni, so you always feel connected to the CU Community wherever you are. They help the alumni office to organise biannual networking events in their country and well as other more regular alumni activities.
They are also willing to answer questions from prospective or current students about life in Coventry as an International student and to welcome new graduates to the alumni association.
The advice that the ambassadors provide are all based on their own experiences of Coventry. For information on admissions, visas and accommodation please visit our International page.
Rose Lu, Shanghai
Course Studied: MBA General Management
Year of Graduation: 2010
Company Name: Jiangsu Penn International Consulting Management Co. Ltd.
Job Title: Co-founder and General Manager
How would you describe your experience at Coventry University?
Studying at Coventry University was a very exciting experience for me, it helped me to learn a language, British Culture, also looks very good on my resume. Many companies today want employees who speak a second language, or have experienced living or working in another Country.
How did studying at Coventry University prepare you for your professional career?
When studying at Coventry University, significant opportunities existed for me to enhance my employment prospects. I was given practical guidance on career opportunities, job applications and interviewing techniques, also we benefited from visits to organisations and “experience talks” in which former graduates discussed their careers since leaving university.
What can you offer advice on?
- Advising International students on adjusting to life in Coventry
- Advice specific to management, consulting and marketing
- How to juggle your work and social life when studying at Coventry
- How to achieve employment after graduation back in China
- CV or Interview advice
Contact Details: roselu9@hotmail.com
Nathan Gu, Shanghai
Course Studied: MBA Marketing
Year of Graduation: 2014
Company Name: ROCO
Job Title: Project Supervisor
How did studying at Coventry University enhance your career?
Studying at Coventry University helped to provide an opportunity to develop my business. I received a structured business and management education which helped me to discover myself deeply in my current career. My alumni friends can always give valuable advice and useful resources when I face challenges.
How did you find living in Coventry?
Personally, I feel the life in Coventry is more peaceful. Compared to other cities in UK, it helps Chinese students focus on themselves more easily and naturally. However, as a former Chinese overseas student, I know it is hard to live on your own, especially in quite an unknown environment. Therefore, I highly recommend that you never stop practicing your English and communicating with others. I believe fluent English communication skills would support yourself in order to build a more amazing life in Coventry. Please treasure your friendship with anyone, no matter where they come from. I am sure once you find the balance of your new life in Coventry, you will be proud to be one of us.
What can you offer advice on?
- What Coventry has on offer as a University and as a city.
- Adjusting to life in Coventry.
- How to juggle your work and social life.
- How to get the most out of studying at Coventry.
- Course-based advice.
- How to achieve employment after graduation back in your home country.
- CV or interview advice.
- Advice specific to your industry.
- Advice on starting or running your own business.
- Advice on networking.
- Mentoring recent graduates from your region.
Contact Details: yunfei_gu@hotmail.com
Tanmaya Sharma, New Delhi
Course Studied: Enterprise and Entrepreneurship
Year of Graduation: 2014
Company Name: American Express
Job Title: Financial Analyst
How did studying at Coventry University prepare you for your current role at American Express?
Studying at Coventry empowered me by schooling me, schooling me and providing me with the world’s best weapons; intellectual intelligence and independent decision-making ability. It was in Coventry University that I learned about Principle-Agent problem theory that I quoted to a corporate client recently and they were impressed. It was a stepping stone towards my current role and a strategic decision. Coventry prepared me for my then internship in London in mansion house next to the London Stock Exchange with fostered and instilled the values of investment banking within my intellectual capacity.
What are the best things Coventry University has to offer?
As a university Coventry is young, learning and upcoming. Now, this gives us the advantage of being modern hence so many Modern University of the Year Awards. It fosters motivation, pushing you to your limits in order to make you grow. Coventry University is not a university, it is a family, and it is a global family thousands of family members. All in all an amazing student city, and an even better student hub where students from all across the world gather in order to expedite their education.
What can you offer advice on?
- Investment Banking
- Studying at Coventry University
- Life in Coventry
- Life in Birmingham
- Event Management
- Financial Freedom
- Financial Intelligence
Contact Details: sharmat2@uni.coventry.ac.uk
Sachin Gupta, New Delhi
Course Studied: MBA Engineering Management
Year of Graduation: 2003
Company name: Tata Teleservices Limited
Job title: Deputy General Manager
How did studying at Coventry University impact you and your career?
MBA from Coventry University played a great role in my career. After coming back to India I applied to various companies and I wanted to start my career in Telecom only. To enter into the business field an MBA is a basic requirement of any company and having one from an International University then it would be a great advantage. Coventry University helped me to pursue MBA to achieve my dream job as it was less expensive in terms of fee with great International industry exposure.
How would you describe your experience at Coventry University?
I spent almost 2.5 years in Coventry. Coventry University was just 200 meters from my house. All staff members of my engineering schools were very co-operative. The Industry visit I did during my Studies was really awesome as it gives the live experience of knowing the process before working on live assignments. Overall my experience in Coventry University was great. I always miss Coventry...
What can you offer advice on?
- What Coventry has on offer as a University and as a city.
- Adjusting to life in Coventry.
- How to get the most out of studying at Coventry.
- How to achieve employment after graduation back in your home country
Contact Details: sachingupta_007@yahoo.com
Priyanka Tanwani, Mumbai
Course Studied: MBA International Human Resource Management (Coventry University London)
Year of Graduation: 2013
Company name: Sahil Construction
Job title: Operations Director
How would you describe your experience at Coventry University London Campus?
My overall experience at Coventry University London Campus was, in fact, more enriching than I had even expected it to be when I first decided to pursue an MBA. The course pushed me to work harder than ever before, never compromising on the quality of research we carried out. It was the best structure of studies I could have asked for. It prepared me to face the business scenario on an international platform. I successfully landed a few jobs as soon as I arrived back in Mumbai.
What can you offer advice on:
- Course based issues
- How to achieve employment after graduation back in your home country
- Your CV or interviews
- Specific issues in your industry
- Starting or running your own business
- Networking.
Contact Details: priyankakishoretanwani@gmail.com
Zeina Al Mumalah, Amman
Course studied: MSc Engineering and Management
Graduation Year: 2012
Company name: Habtoor Leighton Group – CIMIC
Job title: Senior Group Quality Engineer
How would you describe your time at Coventry University?
Moving to study abroad is not an easy decision to make especially if you are moving to a different country in a different part of the world. During my stay in Coventry, I never felt that I was alone due to the family atmosphere and spirit that Coventry University staff, teachers and students provided. The university’s endless support in terms of personal or studying issues was also very helpful. The city has a beautiful nature and a grand university as well as a lovely blend of cultures. My experience studying at Coventry was full of hard work and restless nights but it was filled with passion, love, and joy in every single moment of it. It was just an amazing time that I wish had never ended.
What can you offer advice on?
- How to juggle your work and social life when studying at Coventry.
- Advising students on adjusting to life in Coventry.
- Mentoring recent graduates from your region.
- Advice specific to the Engineering industry in Amman.
- Course based advice.
Contact details: zeina_almumalah@hotmail.co.uk
Rami Petras, Amman
Course Studied: BEng Computers, Networking, and Communications Technology
Year of Graduation: 2008
Company name: Almanhal
Job title: Project Supervisor
How did studying at Coventry University impact you?
The impact of being a student at Coventry was magnificent. I initially had a connection with Coventry because my friend was studying there, so having your best friend and a friendly city made studying great; and it didn’t take long to expand my network of friends from accommodation and courses. Studying at Coventry had a social impact of me, from interacting with people from other cultures than mine and learning new values. From an academic perspective, thanks to my engineering degree I now stand in a growing and creative industry (IT), which makes me appreciate greatly what I have been taught at Coventry. I have spent almost 5 years at Coventry, which has been the best experience of my life in terms of personal development, education and social experience.
What can you offer advice on?
- What Coventry has on offer as a University and as a city.
- Places of interest and activities on the campus.
- Accommodation, storage, and transportation for students coming from Jordan.
- Connecting people to current friends who still live in Coventry.
- Assisting new graduates in finding careers and CV advice.
- Travelling to and from the Middle East.
Contact details: ramipetras@gmail.com
Wajim Yakubu, Abuja
Course Studied: MSc International Business
Year of Graduation: 2009
Company Name: Re-Energy Nigeria
Job Title: Renewable Energy Consultant
How would you describe your experience at Coventry University?
My time at Coventry University was worthwhile and very fulfilling. CU gave me a very high standard of education in a very constructive learning atmosphere. It also provided an avenue for me to make new and long lasting friends with whom I still keep in touch. The University organised trips within and outside the UK which were very interesting and eye-opening, to say the least. My time at CU helped to begin the journey of self-discovery for me making my experience one I will forever cherish.
What can you offer advice on?
- Advising students on how to get the most out of studying at Coventry.
- Industry-based advice.
Contact Details: jimnuhu@yahoo.com
Roland Awase, Lagos
Course Studied: MBA Global Financial Services (Coventry University London)
Year of Graduation: 2014
Company Name: Zeal Mobile Limited
Job Title: Director
How studying at Coventry University impact you and your career?
It is paramount to state that I obtained a real business experience from Coventry University. Most of what has been thought and learned from Coventry University is what has informed and driven the excellent business ideas and strategies which I have been contributing towards moving our company forward. I find it very easy applying what I learned into practice given that I had the opportunity of visiting organisations such as Bloomberg and the Bank of England during my study.
How would you describe your experience at Coventry University?
My experience at Coventry University was a very exciting and memorable one. Whilst at the University I got to interact and take part in several fun activities organised both by the school and students. The lecturers were very knowledgeable as regards to the courses they delivered and they were equally very helpful in terms of giving support and good academic counselling to help students facing challenges and difficulties.
What can you offer advice on?
- How to get the most out of studying at Coventry.
- Starting or running your own business.
Contact Details: awaseroland@yahoo.com
Daisy Iyeh, Lagos
Course Studied: MSc International Business
Year of Graduation: 2013
Company Name: Marblehill School Lagos
Job Title: CEO
How would you describe your experience at Coventry University?
My time at Coventry was a wonderful experience, so much that I find myself missing it 3 years after I left. I learned so much in and out of the classroom. Every activity was designed to make learning as holistic as possible: seminars, lecture series, city tours (within and outside Coventry), international trips, cultural diversity; educational and employability support all played a part in the quality of education I received. The city is extremely safe, affordable and the staff at the university are all extremely friendly.
What stood out about Coventry when choosing a UK University?
I can never talk about the GLP program enough…. The exposure, the classes, and seminars, the graduate support have helped me become an all-around business professional. I am more internationally oriented and able to network and position myself in any environment. I am constantly looking for global practices to infuse into my business.
What can you offer advice on?
- How to get the most out of studying at Coventry.
- Starting or running your own business.
Contact Details: bunodaisy@yahoo.com
Hong Kong
Robert Sham, Kowloon
Course Studied: BSc Aviation Management
Year of Graduation: 2015
Company Name: Hong Kong Air Cargo Carrier Limited
Job Title: Manager, Government and Public Affairs
How did studying at Coventry University impact you and your career?
Studying in Coventry proved to be my greatest achievement. By studying in Coventry I am able to join various internationally renowned societies and institutions which my academic background in Coventry helped me to gain professional recognition. Coventry offered me a lot of chances to be exposed to networking in the lectures offered by industry experts and senior management in the sector. This helped me to establish professional knowledge and contacts needed to advance in my career path.
What is your favourite memory of Coventry University?
My favourite memory is at the graduation ceremony, when I stepped on the stage and got my certificate. It is my honour to have a chance to study in such a great and contemporary university. I noted to myself that I should do something to help my juniors and therefore I applied for the alumni ambassador programme.
What can you offer advice on?
- Aviation Management Course Advice
- The Aviation industry
Contact Details: shamc2@uni.coventry.ac.uk
Debra-Jane Nelson, Accra
Course Studied: MBA International Business
Year of Graduation: 2006
Company: Think Mahogany
Job Title: Founder and Managing Director
How did Coventry impact your professional career?
I strongly attribute my intellectual development to my time at Coventry University. I have been able to apply the fundamentals I acquired from my study in developing my company. Coventry University provided me with a high quality education and learning experience, helping me make significant contributions to my previous employers, my current business, the economy and the society. I have become a creative force in this rapidly evolving world and I have impacted many lives in my own small way.
What is your top tip for students coming to Coventry from outside the UK?
Make the best of your time at Coventry, make full use of the resources made available to you and make every day your best yet.
What can you offer advice on?
- How to join the Ghana alumni group
- Benefits of joining the Ghana alumni group
- Upcoming Ghana alumni events and meet-ups
Contact details: debra-jane@thinkmahogany.com
Debra-Jane is the Chapter President for the Ghana Alumni Group.