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Professor Andrew Turner

Dr. Andrew Turner


Professor Andrew Turner

Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Curriculum Development)

Personal Assistant
Tas Akhter
07557 425176

Professor Andrew Turner is Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Curriculum). He has responsibility for the strategic leadership of Curriculum Development across the University Group. He also has responsibility for the Office for Teaching and Learning which is a University-Group unit to support the development and delivery of the curriculum, pedagogy (teaching, learning and assessment) and academic development across the University Group.

Andrew joined the University in 1996 originally as a Lecturer in Environmental Science. His leadership of key University-wide projects has been instrumental to the enhancement of the student experience at Coventry. He led the implementation of an innovative new learning experience platform, Aula, replacing traditional virtual learning environment. Aula is at the heart of an Education Technology ecosystem providing an engaged, social approach to learning.

Andrew has worked extensively internationally with our international collaborative partners in the Middle East and Africa and has expertise in international academic development.

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