Consultancy projects can be run on an individual basis. Proposals will be provided in response to a specific client brief. Delivery is through specific, industrially experienced staff members identified for their practical expertise. Commercial consultancy provides high impact solutions for complex briefs in the shortest timeframes.
Business improvement centre
The key areas of Business Improvement consultancy focus on:
- cost reduction;
- business efficiency improvement;
- optimal decision making;
- inventory control and forecasting;
- resource allocation;
- water resources management;
- modelling and visualisation.
As an operational research group we are continuously researching the best methods that can be used and applied to the constantly changing business environment.
Each member of our research group has extensive industrial experience, and understands the business processes. Their experience covers a wide range of UK and international industries.
That expertise could be working to improve your business efficiency and bottom-line profitability –right now.
Automotive consultancy
Coventry is famous for its place in history as the home of the motor industry. The University has a rich heritage of working with industry and today can boast of a long history of excellence in the fields of automotive design and engineering. Our expertise is wide-ranging - spanning excellence in low carbon vehicles to metrology.
We have a strong tradition of supplying graduates and working in partnership with organisations including Jaguar Land Rover, the National Physical Laboratory and the Shanghai Automotive Industry Corporation.
We have particular expertise in the following areas:
- Low carbon vehicles
- Intelligent transport systems
- Metrology (including NPL training and measurement uncertainty)
- Engineering management
There are facilities for:
- Wind tunnel testing;
- Smoke tunnel testing;
- Shaker rig;
- Metrology laboratory;
- Prototyping workshops equipped with lathes, CNC machinery and all the necessary ancillary equipment and materials;
- Rapid prototyping machines and laser cutters.
Cogent computing consultancy
The work within Cogent Labs is focused on the design, deployment and evaluation of wireless sensing solutions across a variety of domains including buildings and energy, assistive technology, vehicle cabin comfort, and workers’ well-being and safety. The work is driven by technological advances in wireless sensing and dedicated to finding solutions for real-life applications. We have also developed generic algorithms for wireless sensing devices that can be applied across a range of applications.
Our expertise is sought after by some of the biggest names in industry and the public sector. The achievements of Cogent Labs are recognized nationally and internationally and our consultancy work directly benefits from our well reputed research, which has earned us the privilege of being a Centre of Excellence for Applied Research in Wireless Instrumentation.
We have particular expertise in the following areas:
Low power wireless monitoring
- On-node information generation/prediction to reduce transmissions and power consumption Sustainable Buildings
- Data capture, analysis and information extraction
- Monitoring and assessment solutions
- Occupant behaviour assessment methodologies
- Educational interventions towards a sustainable buildings future
Assistive Technology
- Usage-driven analysis and future-proofing evaluation to drive organizational strategies
- 4th generation AT - requirements and specification development
- Critical indicators and process development for long term AT deployment strategies
Vehicle cabin comfort
- Methodologies for comfort evaluation in cabins
- Virtual sensing and comfort modelling
- Machine learning for HVAC/comfort control, including personalisation
Personnel wellbeing in the workplace
- Wearable solutions for health risk prediction and assessment
- Workplace instrumentation for assessment of risks
Self-powered wireless systems
- Modelling and implementation of kinetic energy harvesters
- Low-power electronics design
- Wireless power transfer
Flow measurement
- Artificial intelligence for the flow measurement industry
Construction consultancy
Coventry University plays an active role as an environmental university and in engaging with collaborations to tackle the sustainable construction and low impact buildings agenda. We take pride in successfully developing themes which address current industry skill gaps nationally and globally.
The University successfully incorporates low carbon and sustainable construction techniques into its campus buildings and its campus life. With major investments into a new BREEAM excellent Engineering and Computing building with new state of the art training and research facilities as well as a hydrogen fuelling station on the Coventry University Technology Park, we are committed to engaging with new research and consultancy with a practical focus and business impact.
We have particular expertise in the following areas:
- Low Impact Buildings
- Green Design
- Policies and Regulations relevant to the Low Carbon UK targets and compliance in general
- Sustainable construction
- Sustainable Building Futures Project
Security consultancy
Coventry University has a growing reputation for expertise in Cyber Security. Over the last 5 years, we have delivered projects for Defra, Ricardo, Unipart and the Ministry of Defence.
Our cyber security expertise includes individuals who have worked in the area of information and network security for over ten years. They have been involved in the research, development and evaluation of large-scale distributed secure systems for identity management, communication networks, livestock and biosecurity, and national security. Collectively, they have over forty peer-reviewed research publications in international journals and conferences, and have delivered tutorials in South Africa, Mozambique, Jordan, Pakistan and Tunisia.
Coventry University has a growing reputation for expertise in Cyber Security. Over the last 5 years, we have delivered projects for Defra, Ricardo, Unipart and the Ministry of Defence.
Our cyber security expertise includes individuals who have worked in the area of information and network security for over ten years. They have been involved in the research, development and evaluation of large-scale distributed secure systems for identity management, communication networks, livestock and biosecurity, and national security. Collectively, they have over forty peer-reviewed research publications in international journals and conferences, and have delivered tutorials in South Africa, Mozambique, Jordan, Pakistan and Tunisia.
We have particular expertise in the following areas:
- Network Security
- Biometric Authentication
- Open Source Software
- Critical Infrastructure
- Digital Forensics
- Ethical Hacking
- Ethical Hacking Laboratory
- Pervasive Computing Laboratory
- CU-Adam Laboratory
The College of Engineering, Environment and Science work with a range of clients. Find out more about what our previous clients thought of our services.
Telephone: +44 (0) 24 7765 9030
Email: business.eec@coventry.ac.uk