Undergraduate Support
The services available to you all aim to enable you to stand out and succeed beyond graduation.
Employment Personal Tutor
You will be designated an Employment Personal Tutor (EPT), aligned to your area of study, to work with you throughout your course. All our EPTs have previously worked in industry and have experience of being a recruiter. Because of their experiences, they understand the labour market, the skills employers look for and the processes used by employers to select candidates. Our EPTs work with you throughout your student journey, from the moment you start your course.
They are able to introduce to you career options, help you understand the skills sought by employers and provide guidance that can help you when making work placement and graduate job applications.
The services provided by our EPTs include:
- One-to-one support
- Drop-in CV and application checks
- Unique online resources
- Skills development workshops
- Mock interviews & assessment centres
- Support with Psychometric testing
- Employer events
The support provided by the EPT complements the more general careers support from the University Careers Service.
Work placements and work experience
Most of our degrees have the opportunity of undertaking an optional one-year work placement, also known as a sandwich year. Typically, this will happen after year two and you will then return to the university to complete your final year. While such placements do not carry any credits, they can provide you with the opportunity to explore the world of work and benefit employers by offering them a chance to take on intelligent and enthusiastic individuals that bring a fresh perspective and new ideas to their businesses.
A wide range of organisations participate in the placement programme, from both public and private sectors, and vary in size from large multinationals to small companies and you will be allocated a Placement Advisor who should be able to assist you as you apply for work placements and work experience opportunities.
There are also opportunities for overseas placements and study abroad.
Please note that placements (whether in the UK or abroad) may be subject to additional fees, obtaining relevant visas, a competitive application process and in some instances such opportunities may be limited in number.
Employment Fair
The annual College of Business and Law Employment Fair is an opportunity not to be missed. You can talk to employers face-to-face and demonstrate your communication, interpersonal and networking skills. It will also help you learn about the range of opportunities on offer which may include:
Volunteering and Work Experience
Exciting projects you can get involved in that will help you make the most of your time during University and to help enhance your work experience.
Postgraduate Education
The options you have and how to prepare for the application process.
The Employment Fair will feature a range of employers, including small, medium and large enterprises from a number of business related sectors based in the Midlands region and across the UK.
For further information about the Employment Fair please email employment.fbl@coventry.ac.uk
Coventry Law Centre Legal Clinic
The Coventry University Legal Clinic, in partnership with the Coventry Law Centre can provide students with a powerful professional element to their learning.
The aim of the clinic is to provide practical legal experience by integrating our students in an office environment, working with clients alongside trained solicitors and lawyers.
Our students have the opportunity get involved with everything that the solicitors do at the Law Centre with supervisors who are currently working in practice and experts in specific areas of law. They can get hands-on-experience doing reserved legal activities, providing supervised advice and assistance to more than 500 local residents so far.
Find out more about the Coventry Law Centre Legal Clinic and the application process
Contact the Talent Team
Tel: +44(0)24 7765 2011
Email: talentteam@coventry.ac.uk
Twitter: @covuniTT