Co-Creating Wellbeing
KA220-VET - Cooperation partnerships in vocational education and training
Value to Coventry University
52,260 Euros
Total Value
250,000 Euros
Project Team
Dr Gemma Pearce, Nikki Holliday and Paul Magee
October 2022- September 2024
Project Overview
This is a pedagogical focused project developing educational and vocational materials for people co-creating in wellbeing settings. This includes health, education, welfare, sport, youth and social services.
Project Objectives
To develop and pilot test a flexible hybrid course that teaches what co-creation is and how it can be applied in wellbeing settings.
To develop an evaluation model and toolkit to support the assessment of co-creation processes and outputs.
Project Impact Statement
The aim is to support people working in wellbeing settings on how to apply and evaluate co-creation in real-world practice. Co-creation is an important method to encourage inclusivity of a range of stakeholders right from the beginning of the process, therefore increasing the liklehood of creating meaningful services or products. It is underpinned by participatory action research and design thinking processes, which are driven by creating change, and therefore demonstrable impact.
Project Outputs
We are finalising the ‘Co-creating Wellbeing’ course, and the team at Coventry University aim to deliver this in about June 2023 and at the beginning of 2024 (exact dates and details to be confirmed). If you are interested in attending and wish to be added to the list to receive information about this course, please email Nikki Holliday (Nikki.Holliday@coventry.ac.uk).
We are in the process of developing Co-creation Reporting Standards (CORES), which are registered with the Equator Network at this link. This is being developed alongside an evaluation model and toolkit.
Publications will be written from the project outputs and tools will be provided on a project website with translations in English, Danish, Portuguese, Italian and French.
Project History
The current CoCreating Wellbeing project is a follow on from the Erasmus+ funded CoCreating Welfare project that ran from 2016-2019. Here are key outputs from that project:
- The CoCreating Welfare website, which includes previous course materials, resources and top tips on co-creation.
- A summary of the CoCreating Welfare course and the methods taught has been published in this e-book.
- A publication on promoting co-creation in communities and the competencies needed.
- A publication about the definition of co-creation.
- A pre-print published on the use of our co-creation framework (the three co’s framework) to co-create a health intervention.
- Dr Gemma Pearce’s keynote talk on co-creation at the CoCreating Welfare event hosted by Coventry University
- A talk about how NHS England have built the CoCreating Welfare training into their organisation.