Research Capacity Building Programme in Pakistan
The British Council in Pakistan and Higher Education Commission (HEC) Pakistan
£373,776 to Coventry University
Project team
Professor Elena Gaura, Professor Richard Dashwood, Professor James Brusey, Professor Siraj Shaikh, Professor Benny Tjahjono, Dr Vaughan Shilton, Dr Liese Perrin, Dr Heather Sears, Dr Muhammad Kamal, Carolyn Wynne, Professor Sue Charlesworth, Professor Sarah Whatley, Dr Marco Van de Wiel, Dr Farzana Aslam, Professor Sheena Gardner, Professor Andree Woodcock and Professor Julia Carrol.
Duration of project
20 December 2021 – 31 March 2023
Project overview
A capacity building programme for researchers, reviewers and the institutional research management of Offices of Research, Innovation, & Commercialization (ORICs) in Pakistan.
Project objectives
- Grow researcher capacity and enable them to achieve high success rate in winning large scale national and international research grants
- Grow a population of grant reviewers that understand and are able to promote and apply international best practice in grant review
- Enhance the capacity of university ORICs in research management and commercialization support to researchers
- Train and support the Principal Investigators (PIs) & Co-PIs)
- Benchmark the HEC research grant review process against international standards
- Benchmarking of grant review process
- Final Evaluation
- Final Evaluation workshop
- The below training will take place:
- Research project management and research commercialisation pathways
- Proposal review and evaluation
- Research grant management
- Research grant proposal writing, review and management
- Impact review
- Development of publications
- 23 courses delivered to approximately 1029 attendees