Error Network
Total: £44,327
To C-DaRE: £8,356
Coventry University, University of Leeds and Malmo University
Project team
Sarah Whatley (Co-I), Ruth Gibson, Sita Popat (PI) (Leeds) and Susan Kozel (Malmo).
Project objectives
The overall objective is to set up a Research Network that will hold two workshop/laboratories and a symposium to identify important research questions concerning how dance research and human-computer interaction (HCI) can inform each other through consideration of error, ambiguity and 'messiness' as methodological tools. Two primary themes will be addressed:
- To develop cross-disciplinary knowledge and understanding about how the body, error and ambiguity are perceived and employed in dance and HCI and explore how these understandings impact on the methods used in each of the disciplinary contexts;
- To explore and evaluate the use of dance research methods with a broad cross-disciplinary group of researchers.