Building Japanese research capacity around disability studies and sport to positively impact the lives of people with disabilities - 2020 and beyond
ESRC-AHRC UK-Japan Social Sciences & Humanities Connections Grant
Value to Coventry University
Project team
Dr Ian Brittain, Dr Simon Gérard
University of Kent, UK; University of the West of Scotland, UK; University of Worcester, UK; Hokkaido College of Sports and Medicine, Japan; Juntendo University, Japan; Waseda University, Japan; Co-Innovation Laboratory, Japan; Nippon Foundation Paralympic Support Centre, Japan
Duration of project
01/01/2019 - 31/03/2020
Project overview
The aim of this bid was to expand an already existing international collaboration and foster a long term sustainable multi-partner network in order to further develop our understanding in the field of disability studies and sport (DSS). This project brought together a network of Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities (SSH) researchers across the UK and Japan, including ECRs, who both strengthened and developed current relations. In 2021 Tokyo, Japan, will become the first city to host the Paralympic Games twice, having previously hosted them in 1964. This, therefore, provided an ideal opportunity to both meet the aims of this grant call, whilst at the same time improving our understanding of the field of DSS by furthering our cultural understandings of people with disabilities (PWD) using an interdisciplinary approach that adopted participative methodologies to foster co-creation of new knowledge in the field.
The researchers from the UK came from four universities: Coventry, Kent, West of Scotland and Worcester). The Japanese network members were drawn from three universities based in or around Tokyo: Juntendo, Tsukuba and Waseda, one academic institustion in the north of Japan: Hokkaido College of Sports and Medicine, as well as one publicly-funded non-academic research body: the Nippon Foundation Paralympic Research Group. The Japanese group also included the founding Director of the Co-Innovation Laboratory (COIL) who acted as a stakeholder representative and a direct conduit to groups of PWD in Tokyo with whom COIL work towards achieving an inclusive society. Both the UK and Japanese networks included experienced and early career researchers as the project was designed to make this area of research sustainable over the long term by involving and developing the capacity of young researchers who will lead the field in the years to come. The two groups of researchers experienced a programme of knowledge exchange and collaborative research planning (in both the UK and Japan), assisted by other key stakeholders including PWD and policy makers in Japan, to which various members of the overall network already have access. This culminated in a planned longitudinal programme of collaborative research to take place before, during and up to four years after the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games that formed the basis for a larger funding application, which was unfortunately unsuccessful.
As a baseline, the planned research programme for the larger bid aimed at investigating many of the claims made by the International Paralympic Committee (IPC) that are often repeated by Paralympic host city organising committees, regarding the potential social impact of sport and the Paralympic Games themselves upon the lives of PWD in the host country. These include: improved health, greater inclusion, better transport and infrastructure, environmental accessibility, enhanced support services and improved attitudes towards PWD amongst the non-disabled population. This would have been underpinned by a narrative analysis of the role of prejudice and normative values within Japanese society using ableism as a lens to see how disability is currently constructed and the impact hosting the Paralympic Games has on this narrative.
Project objectives
The project included the following objectives:
- To create a network of Japanese and UK SSH researchers (experienced and early career) in the area of DPS, particularly with reference to its potential social impacts and to develop a programme of knowledge sharing in the field through collaborative discussion, sharing of knowledge and identification of training needs
- To foster inter-disciplinary research between SSH researchers in Japan and the UK in the area of DPS, drawing on the fields of sport studies, sport development, urban geography, cultural studies and sociology that will lead to new understandings of the potential of DPS to change the lived experience of people with disabilities.
- To co-create a series of interdisciplinary methodologies to study the area of DPS, including a focus on more participatory research methodologies and methods, working with PWD in the design, data collection, and analysis stages.
- To develop strategies for impact for Japanese and UK SSH researchers in the area of DPS where research outcomes reach beyond the academic community to influence, and be used by, other researcher users.
- To increase UK and Japanese SSH researchers’ awareness and knowledge of the importance of cultural context in research, contextualising the differences and commonalities in each country in how DPS is constituted, historically and in the present time.
- To scope a longitudinal research project that would take place in the lead up to, during and for at least three years after the Tokyo 2020 Paralympic Games around the social impact of DPS, and to collaboratively write a larger funding application resources this work.
In creating an interdisciplinary network of experienced and early career researchers developing, collaboratively, suitable theories, methodologies and impact activities that recognise differential cultural contexts, the proposed project will address a number of key questions pertaining to DPS:
- What evidence exists in the UK and Japan for the effective leveraging of major parasport events (i.e. the Paralympic Games) to produce beneficial outcomes for PWD in both countries and how can this evidence be share more effectively?
- What can an interdisciplinary approach contribute to understanding of how major parasport events can be used to improve health, increase participation, enhance transport infrastructure and develop the sport system in both Japan and the UK?
- How can PWD be more effectively involved as participants and end users of research into the value of major parasport events in enhancing the lived experiences of PWD, and at what stages?
- How can the outputs of research into major parasport events and social outcomes be most effectively translated into policy interventions, and with what impact?
- How can the importance of differential cultural contexts be captured and translated into more effective research approaches and policy outcomes?