The Effectiveness of a Primary School Based Badminton Intervention on Children’s Fundamental Movement Skills
Badminton World Federation
Sports Science Research Grant
Total value of project
Project team
Professor Michael Duncan (PI), Emma Eyre
Duration of project
December 2018 - December 2019
Project overview
Fundamental Movement Skills (FMS) refer to an aspect of motor competence considered to be the building blocks that lead to specialised movement sequences required for adequate participation in many organised and non-organised sports and physical activities in children and adolescents (Lubans, et al., 2010). The FMS include locomotor (e.g., running, hopping, jumping), manipulative or object control (e.g., throwing, kicking, catching, striking) and stability (e.g., balancing and twisting) skills (Lubans, et al., 2010).
Given the multidimensional demands of badminton, such FMS provide the key foundation for later performance in badminton and other racquet sports. The mastery of these FMS has been purported to contribute to children's physical, cognitive and social development and is thought to provide the foundation for an active lifestyle (Stodden, et al., 2008).
There is a growing body of literature which evidences the importance of developing these FMS in childhood in order to lead to more effective sport specialisation later in life (Lloyd and Oliver, 2012; Badminton England, 2006), better academic achievement (Jaakkola et al., 2015) and overall improved physical activity and health (Robinson, et al., 2015).
Despite this, there is evidence that children's FMS competence worldwide is low (Robinson, et al., 2015) and there have been calls to trial effective interventions to better develop FMS during the primary school period (ages 5-11 years).
The project will examine the dose response effects of engaging in Shuttle Time over a 10 week period on actual and perceived motor competence, and Body Mass Index (thus confirming the earlier work of Duncan et al with a longer duration of Shuttle Time). We will also examine the effects of engaging in Shuttle Time over a 10 week period on:
- Objectively monitored physical activity
- Physical activity self-confidence (self-efficacy)
- Self-esteem
- Physical activity enjoyment
- Sport social cohesion
Project objectives
Importantly, we will examine the effect of engaging in the BWF Shuttle Time programme, compared to traditional Physical Education, on the above mentioned variables related to children's psychosocial functioning and their current and future engagement in sport and physical activity and health.