OPENMED: Exploring Intercultural Learning through Open Education Practices across the Mediterranean

OpenMed ‘Opening up Education in South-Mediterranean Countries’, is an international cooperation involving five partners from Europe and nine from the South-Mediterranean (S-M) region (Morocco, Palestine, Egypt and Jordan). The project is focused on how universities from the designated countries, and other S-M countries, can join the action as community partners in the adoption of strategies and channels that embrace the principles of openness and reusability within the context of higher education. Open Education represents transparency, equity and participation. Such values are core in widening participation and building capacity in Open Education Practices, important to the national contexts of the Mediterranean countries.

IFS - The Intervention Toolkit

This project will produce a coherent system, supported by data analytics, to identify students at risk of underachievement at four UK institutions, and offer solutions in the form of appropriate, high quality academic interventions to ensure those students continue and succeed.

Abracadabra (ABRA): Online Reading Support

Abracadabra (ABRA) is an online toolkit composed of phonics, fluency and comprehension activities based around a series of age-appropriate texts. The trial assesses a 20 week programme of lesson plans using the ABRA activities.

'EEEP' - Enhancing Engineering Education Project, with WSU and SU

This project is in collaboration with the Walter Sisulu University and the University of Stellenbosch, South Africa. The project is focused on enhancing staff capacity building for knowledge exchange in engineering education and postgraduate supervision.

Research Capacity Building Programme in Pakistan

A capacity building programme for researchers, reviewers and the institutional research management of Offices of Research, Innovation, & Commercialization (ORICs) in Pakistan.

Evaluating the Potential of a Speech Rhythm-Based Reading Intervention

This project demonstrated, for the first time, that training in speech rhythm improves early literacy skills in children beginning school. This finding was used as the basis for a new reading scheme developed by Rising Stars.

Morphological processing in children with phonological difficulties: The Coventry and Warwick morphology and phonology project

Children who struggle with processing speech sounds (phonology) are also likely to have difficulties in reading and writing. This project investigates how much children use information about the internal structure of words (morphology) to compensate for these difficulties.

Pre-school screening for literacy difficulties: A new test of speech rhythm sensitivity

This project will aim to produce and validate an assessment of speech rhythm sensitivity that is suitable for pre-literate children in Reception year and then examine whether sensitivity to speech rhythm can predict early literacy development.