(BASE) Research
For over 15 years Anthony Luvera has created long-term projects with homeless people in cities and towns across the UK, including London, Colchester, Belfast, and Brighton.
This project sought to understand the employee perspective on the impact uniform has on their happiness and productivity in their role.
The Critical Practices Talks is a series of monthly conversations curated by Carolina Rito with researchers and practitioners in the fields of art, curating, critical theory and museum studies.
AccessCULT seeks to improve the accessibility of cultural heritage across Europe through the exchange of good practice. The project will develop, implement, test, and promote innovative multidisciplinary, learning content targeted at students as future experts, and existing cultural workers.
Whilst both collective and collaborative drawing is being widely explored internationally, both within and beyond educational institutions, there is surprisingly little serious research published on the topic. This realisation led to the first international Drawing Conversations Symposium, accompanied by the Drawn Conversations Exhibition at Coventry University, UK, in December 2015, and a series of publications.
Critical Pedagogies explores questions around alternative modes of education and how we learn and produce knowledge collectively. The research strand aimed to engage with the current scenarios in education and investigate the educational role of cultural organisations.
Institution as Praxis is a research project initiated by Carolina Rito that examines new modes of knowledge production and research in the field of visual culture, art, and the curatorial.
TInnGO, the Transport Research Observatory, is a pan European observatory for gender smart transport innovation, that provides a nexus for data collection, analysis, dissemination of gender mainstreaming tools and open innovation, encouraging smart mobility.
In 2008/9 our research aimed to inform a proposed UK pilot of an expanded newborn screening service.
At the heart of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), is a number of questions that enquire about a homeless individual’s right to access to basic living provisions such as shelter, personal safety, health, food, and communication.
The Engineering Lecture Corpus (ELC) is a growing collection of transcripts of English-medium engineering lectures from around the world. Corpus development has been assisted by a British Council PMI2 Research Cooperation grant.
Gothic Modern, 1880s-1930s is the first in-depth study (comprising a scholarly, multi-author book, articles, an international touring exhibition with linked research publication and a series of international symposia) to explore the pivotal importance of medieval, in particular Gothic art for the artistic modernisms of the late nineteenth and early twentieth-centuries.
This project brings together Coventry University expertise in Material Science and Design to develop products that embed innovative smart textiles in order to support healthy ageing and independent living.
This project explores the unique and exceptional role of Coventry and the Midlands in the foundation of the British Black Art Movement (BAM) in the 1980s.
The provision of digital technology to older people may not be effective for a range of reasons for example, low motivation; digital literacy; insufficient support; language and communication skills; age-related mobility or cognitive restrictions. We are interested in understanding these reasons in order to improve the process of matching self-management technology to individual needs.
The ageing population has become a significant topic in the contemporary research agenda. The post-industrial economy of improved health care, leisure and bio-medical technologies has affected both the biological and social spheres of ageing, producing new challenges for individuals, policy makers and associated industries, including fashion. The need to better cater to older individuals’ needs and expectations is the focus of Ania Sadkowska’s resesearch.
GILL will be implemented through an iterative co-creation approach structured on a four-phases cycle - understand, co-design, implement, evaluate - repeated twice to incorporate the feedbacks and evaluation results in fine-tuned and validated results.
Drawing on an interdisciplinary body of scholarship that combines the history and science of climate change with literary and cultural histories, racial theories, and feminist ecocriticism, this project develops a view of premodern climate change.
The British Black Arts Movement (BAM) in the early 1980s was responsible for a paradigm shift in UK art history, bringing to the fore the issues, concerns, practices and aesthetics of marginalised artists.