Independent Evaluation of the Civil Society Mechanism (CSM)

This project evaluated key aspects of the CSM functioning in the context of the UN Committee on World Food Security (CFS) as it is today, 8 years after the Reform, and 3 years after the last evaluation.

Austerity Retail in Britain

This project from the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience (CAWR) aims to critically examine the emergence of what we call ‘austerity retail’ initiatives amidst rising food poverty in Britain. These include ‘social supermarkets’ and other forms of ‘community shop’ offering highly discounted products, and often making use of ‘surplus’ or ‘rejected’ foods which would otherwise be thrown away. 

Blooms for Bees

Blooms for Bees aims to promote bee-friendly gardening and encourage citizen scientists from across the UK to explore the presence and floral preferences of bumblebees in their gardens and allotments.

Green roofs for ecological benefit, water management and sustainable design KTP: SEL Environmental and Coventry University

The benefits of green roofs individually include the improvement and reduction of energy consumption, while a concentration across a large area has been proven to reduce temperatures in the surrounding climate.

Green Entrepreneurs in Cuba – Evaluation of a collaborative initiative to strengthen Small Scale Private Sector Initiatives in Rural Cuba

To evaluate the project participatory action learning cycle and the focus on small scale entrepreneurship in order to provide guidance and recommendations to donors for project follow up.

Evaluation of Kairos WWT Prison In-reach and Post-release Floating Support Service for women

Our objective was to provide an independent evaluation of Kairos WWT prison in-reach project at HMP Peterborough and Coventry based Floating Support Service.

A study examining the Drug, Alcohol & Recovery Team and the Drug Recovery Wing at HMP Rye Hill

The report presents key findings from a prison-based study examining the role of a Drug, Alcohol and Recovery team and a Drug Recovery Wing at category B prison.

Agroecology for Food Sovereignty

The project ‘Agroecology for Food Sovereignty’ brought together academic and grassroots organisations to conduct research, raise awareness and strengthen collaboration between social movements and researchers on agroecology and food sovereignty in Europe and beyond.


KEEPFISH is a Marie Curie RISE project that brings together an international team of biologists, engineers and interdisciplinary researchers. It is led by the Centre for Agroecology, Water and Resilience at Coventry University.

ReACHyn: Recent Atmospheric Change and the Hydrology of the Niger

This project aims to quantify the temporal changes of flow patterns in the River Niger. 

Review of the evidence of outcomes and impact of Ruskin Mill Trust’s Practical Skills and Therapeutic Educational Programme

This project aims to review the way Ruskin Mill Trust evidence the effectiveness of their Practical Skills and Therapeutic Education programme and the impact on those involved.

Why are pregnant women in prison?

The aim of our study is to find out why pregnant women spend time in prison, on remand, on recall from licence conditions and on sentence.

Investigating stakeholder perspectives on the role of the semi-wild pony in maintaining biodiversity and agricultural sustainability in the uplands of Wales

The mountains, hills and valleys of Wales play a central role in the culture, recreation, economy and environment of the Welsh nation and yet they are declining. The semi-wild (or semi-feral pony) is native to Wales and can play a critical role in reversing that decline.

Collaborative research on Women’s Communal Land Rights (WCLR) in Africa

The overarching objective of this project is to draw lessons from and scale up efforts to advance Women’s Communal Land Rights in East and West Africa.

Plant Alert

Plant Alert is a long-term citizen science project designed to help prevent future invasions of ornamental plants.

Evaluating the potential of intensive grazing and corralling to enhance ecosystem services in Africa’s communal rangelands

This study seeks to quantify the effectiveness of these practices by measuring changes in vegetation, soil quality and wildlife and livestock use, associated with livestock corral sites.

Sustainable management of an Ethiopian rangeland for biodiversity and pastoralists

This project looks at how sustainable management of the Liben Plain enhances livelihoods and food security for 10,000 pastoralists, prevents mainland Africa’s first bird extinction and integrates biodiversity conservation into Ethiopian rangeland recovery.

Pervious Pavement Designs to Control Urban Flooding and Pollution

In this project, Marshalls, the UK’s leader in hard engineered SuDS, asked the CAWR water research team to investigate new designs for permeable paving that improved performance in terms of flood management and water quality.

Reconnecting Producers, Consumers and Food: Alternative Food Networks

This project was one of the first to explore the motivations of consumers and producers participating in different types of ‘Alternative Food Network’ such as farmers markets, box schemes, and community supported agriculture.

Online Space, Reconnection and Alternative Food Networks

Spaces of alternative and local food production and consumption have been the subject of interest within agri-food research in recent decades. This project explored how online space is used by a range of Alternative Food Networks (AFNs) in Coventry and Warwickshire.