Youth, Violence and Conflict Transformation: Exploring mobilization into violence and the role of youth in peacebuilding

This project looks at how we can ensure that young people’s voices are listened to and acted upon in societies where youth marginalisation has previously been a factor facilitating their mobilisation into violence.

The politics of migration, displacement and belonging among Afghans migrants and refugees in Europe and North America

Our research on Afghan experiences of displacement and migration focuses in the following issues: the politics of the migration, asylum and resettlement of Afghans in Europe and North America; Afghan journeys and migration into Europe and the engagement of recently arrived Afghans in Europe for peacebuilding and development in Afghanistan. We aim to examine the situate of the complex migration histories of Afghans who have recently migrated from Afghanistan, Iran and Pakistan within debates around the categorisation, intersectionality and development in migration.

Exceed in Coventry

Exceed in Coventry is a three-year project providing tailored help and support to over 1,300 Coventry residents, enabling them to progress into education, training, job search or employment.

Muslim Women in Britain c. 1890 to 1948: Historical Grounding for Modern Debates

By uncovering historical responses to issues that remain topical in British Muslim communities today and then collaborating with modern community stakeholders for knowledge exchange, this research will provide historical grounding to shape current debates about Islam in British society.

Strengthening the Capabilities and Training Curricula for Conflict Prevention and Peace Building Personnel with ICT-based Collaboration and Knowledge Approaches.

Arrival Infrastructures and Migrant Newcomers in European Cities (AIMEC)

AIMEC investigates how newcomers in European cities find information about arrival, and how long-established residents, including those with a migration background, support newcomers.

Building Positive Relationships among University Students across Religion and Worldview Diversity

This project asks how we create a positive university climate for student engagement across religion and worldview diversity.

Gendered Innovation Living Labs (GILL)

GILL will be implemented through an iterative co-creation approach structured on a four-phases cycle - understand, co-design, implement, evaluate - repeated twice to incorporate the feedbacks and evaluation results in fine-tuned and validated results.