A Community-Centred Educational Model for developing Social Resilience (ACES): Playfulness towards an inclusive, safe and resilient society

In the ACES project, we are investigating the impact of transformative education through playful approaches and experiences towards developing social resilience, targeting young people in Malaysia, Vietnam, and Indonesia.

Identification and quantification of trace organic contaminants discharged from waste water treatment plants

The main purpose of this project is to generate pump priming data for novel applications of high resolution mass spectrometry methods for identification and quantification of organic pollutants discharged from waste water treatment plants.

Interactive Dialogues: Ethics and Equity in Practice Research - Dance and Theatre

The necessity to engage in a dialogue around the issues of Ethics and Equity in Dance and Theatre have been identified in the field of artistic practice and in the academic sector of Practice Research. This project is directed to PGRs, artists and ECRs.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

At the heart of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ), is a number of questions that enquire about a homeless individual’s right to access to basic living provisions such as shelter, personal safety, health, food, and communication.

SOIL NEXUS - Building policy tools for water- and waste-based urban soil remediation

This project aims to address the gap between practice and policy in the virtuous use of urban wastes for the remediation of urban soils.

Ready, Healthy, Eat!

This project brings together five established local community food projects throughout the UK that will trial different ideas for improving the nutritional value of the cooked food eaten by the most vulnerable groups in their community.

REsilient Water Innovation for Smart Economy (REWAISE)

REWAISE will create a new “smart water ecosystem”, mobilising all relevant stakeholders to make society embrace the true value of water, reducing freshwater and energy use.

JiCSAV: Justice in Covid-19 for Sexual Abuse and Violence

Impacts of the Covid-19 pandemic on criminal justice journeys of adult and child survivors of sexual abuse, rape, and sexual assault

Midlands Future Mobility

IFTC’s role in MFM supports future CAV testbed trials by developing guidance and case studies to assist users with test definition and planning.

CogCan: Risk and Resilience Factors Associated with Cognitive Changes Following Androgen Deprivation Therapy in Prostate Cancer Patients

The aim of this project is to identify which thinking skills are affected by androgen deprivation therapy (ADT), and whether some people are more at risk of decline in thinking skills than others. 

(ELC) Engineering Lecture Corpus

The Engineering Lecture Corpus (ELC) is a growing collection of transcripts of English-medium engineering lectures from around the world. Corpus development has been assisted by a British Council PMI2 Research Cooperation grant.

Stop-App: Increasing Access and Attendance at Stop Smoking Services

The aim of this project is to develop an evidence based behaviour change app to enhance access and attendance at Stop Smoking Services: the Stop-App.

The relationship between poverty, child abuse and neglect

This project is a rapid evidence review of the relationship between poverty and child abuse and neglect. 

The Effects of Yoga & Meditation in a Prison Environment

The Effects of Yoga & Meditation in a Prison Environment is a study by Dr Miguel Farias, exploring how prisoners can benefit positiviely from meditative practices. 

TfSL Evaluation of Transition Taskforce

Funded by the Department of Health, the project will evaluate the National Transition Taskforce, to explore transition services for young adults with life-limiting or life-threatening conditions.

S.E.N.D. Evaluation

This project has been designed to measure the improved engagement of local children’s palliative care providers in the reform of SEND in England.

The Liver App Project

The MyLiver app has been designed by medical and health professionals to directly benefit young people with liver disease. 


BIOCHAR - Farmers, Growers and Gardeners 2015 Biochar Experiment.

Comparative Analysis of Sentencing the Most Serious Cases of Murder: Whole Life Terms

The principal aims of this research are to examine ways in which whole life terms of imprisonment may be reviewed; and to suggest how the law in England and Wales should be reformed so as to provide a review process in these cases.


The EFFECT project will provide EU policy-makers with a definitive body of knowledge concerning the nature, extent and impact of gun enabled crime (gec), the effectiveness of interventions aimed at combating gec and the cross-border sharing of ballistic intelligence.