Postgraduate Research
Programme Overview
Postgraduate researchers benefit from the Centre’s Doctoral Training Programme and all students receive comprehensive research training including technical, personal and professional skills. Training in the first year provides the foundations for primary research and field-work to be carried out in the second year, and equips students with the essential skills and understanding of research processes required for successful completion of a PhD. Research students are also supported by Coventry University’s Doctoral College and Centre for Research Capability and Development, which provides high-quality training and career development activities.
As members of the Centre for Trust, Peace and Social Relations, research students are integrated in a rich research environment and benefit from development opportunities offered to all our staff and students, including our research seminar series led by CTPSR researchers and visiting scholars. Our vibrant community of postgraduate researchers also come together for induction, summer schools, reading/writing groups and social events.
Each PhD student is linked to a research group for access to support and mentoring, and is encouraged to become actively engaged in the Centre’s research projects, enabling them to gain hands-on experience of larger research projects. Our PhD Tutor holds regular drop-in sessions to offer advice on all issues including career progression.
CTPSR’s annual Doctoral Summer School provides opportunities for all PhD students to present their research, develop essential communication skills and receive constructive feedback from academic colleagues. The summer school includes a ‘Careers Day’ covering research careers inside and outside academia.
Main Areas of Supervision
- Communities, Politics and Identity
- Faith and Peaceful Relations
- Global Inequalities and Development
- Peacebuilding and Conflict Transformation
- Security, Vulnerability and Resilience
The Doctoral Training Centre (DTC)/Facilities
Doctoral students are fully integrated into the life of the Centre, having access to the same facilities and office space as members of staff. In addition, each student has access to a development fund to help with costs relating to their programme of study, such as research materials, conference attendance and field-work expenses.
Post-doc fellowship scheme
PhD students with a successful track record and prompt completion are offered the opportunity to compete for a 1 year post-doctoral fellowship at Coventry University.
I have a very supportive and encouraging supervisory team, who are instrumental in helping me explore and nurture my ideas and develop my skills as a researcher. The environment at CTPSR and Coventry University contributes to helping PhD students develop their personal and professional skills and progress in their future career. I have been strongly encouraged to attend and contribute to national and international conferences. My experiences at CTPSR continue to help me build invaluable personal and professional skills that are bound to contribute to my career progression.
CTPSR, PhD Student