We have published books with some of the most prestigious international presses in our field for example: Oxford University Press, MIT, Minnesota, along with other well-regarded publishers such as: Routledge, Palgrave, Bloomsbury. We also publish articles in highly esteemed journals including Cultural Studies, Qualitative Inquiry, and the Journal of Media Practice.
In both theoretical and practice-applied humanities we will create a new type of scholarship that advances learning to envisage a new world imaginary by:
- Developing impactful research that goes beyond the accepted praxis
- Producing publications and practice of rigour, originality and significance
- Creating original theory-informed research and practice
Full details of all our publications can be found on our Pure Portal.

Adrienne Evans and Sarah Riley, Digital Feeling (2023).
This book offers a trailblazing account of postfeminist sensibility as a digital feeling that shapes how we understand the world around us. It explores how we feel in a world where the digital has become intertwined with our intimate relationships to ourselves and to others. The book develops a novel approach that draws on feminist theories of affect, emotion, and structures of feeling, to analyse the entanglements of the digital and the non-digital, and the public and the private, and to show how good feeling shapes a contemporary moment that often leads us back to normativity and reproduces systemic inequality.

Janneke Adema, Living Books: Experiments in the Posthumanities (2021).
In this book, Janneke Adema proposes that we reimagine the scholarly book as a living and collaborative project—not as linear, bound, and fixed, but as fluid, remixed, and liquid, a space for experimentation. She presents a series of cutting-edge experiments in arts and humanities book publishing, showcasing the radical new forms that book-based scholarly work might take in the digital age. Adema's proposed alternative futures for the scholarly book go beyond such print-based assumptions as fixity, stability, the single author, originality, and copyright, reaching instead for a dynamic and emergent materiality.

Gary Hall, A Stubborn Fury: How Writing Works in Elitist Britain, Open Humanities Press (2020).
In A Stubborn Fury, Gary Hall offers a powerful and provocative look at the consequences of this inequality for English culture in particular. Focusing on the literary novel and the memoir, he investigates, in terms that are as insightful as they are irreverent, why so much writing in England is uncritically realist, humanist and anti-intellectual. A Stubborn Fury addresses that most urgent of questions: what can be done about English literary culture’s addiction to the worldview of privileged, middle-class white men, very much to the exclusion of more radically inventive writing.

Miriam De Rosa and Stefano Baschiera (eds), Film and Domestic Space: Architectures, Representations, Dispositif, Edinburgh University Press (2020).
Film and Domestic Space brings together a range of perspectives, theories and approaches to explore home/house in cinema. To do so, it goes beyond the representational approach to the analysis of domestic space in cinema, in order to look at it as a dispositif as well. The book draws on a broad range of theoretical disciplines and on a selection of case studies including works by directors such as Chantal Akerman, Agnès Varda, Claire Denis, Amos Gitai and Todd Haynes.

Sylvester Arnab, Game Science in Hybrid Learning Spaces, Routledge (2020).
Game Science in Hybrid Learning Spaces explores the potential, implications, and impact of game-based approaches and interventions in response to the blurring of boundaries between digital and physical as well as formal and informal learning spaces and contexts. The book delves into the concept, opportunities, and challenges of hybrid learning, which aims to reduce the barriers of time and physical space in teaching and learning practices, fostering seamless, sustained, and measurable learning experience and outcomes beyond the barriers of formal education and physical learning contexts.

Marcus Maloney, Steven Roberts, Timothy Graham, Gender, Masculinity and Video Gaming, Palgrave Pivot Cham (2019).
This book explores gendered perceptions and discussions of gaming communities. Video gaming has long been understood as a masculinised social space and, while increasing numbers of girls and women now engage in the pastime, boys and men remain the predominant social actors. The authors analyse gender attitudes in Reddit’s popular video gaming community subreddit, r/gaming, through an innovative combination of computational and qualitative methods.

Phaedra Shanbaum, The Digital Interface and New Media Art Installations, Routledge (2019).
This book is about the digital interface and its use in interactive new media art installations. It examines the aesthetic aspects of the interface through a theoretical exploration of new media artists, who create, and tactically deploy, digital interfaces in their work in order to question the socio-cultural stakes of a technology that shapes and reshapes relationships between humans and non-humans. In this way, it shows how use of the digital interface provides us with a critical framework for understanding our relationship with technology.

Graeme Brooker, Harriet Harriss, Kevin Walker, Interior Futures, Crucible Press (2019).
This publication includes outsider, avant-garde – even renegade – perspectives on the future of the interior and intentionally probes and provokes readers to envisage alternative futures. Responding to a framework of questions and themes, the consequences of pervasive, emergent, and often disruptive behaviours, technologies, materials, and actors are followed through to imaginative conclusions, forcing a departure from the comfort of any one disciplinary position. The book series offers a compelling mandate for tomorrow’s researchers and interior designers, and serves to identify both the opportunities and challenges that lie ahead.

Adrienne Evans, Sarah Riley and Martine Robson, Postfeminism and Health: Critical Psychology and Media Perspectives, Routledge (2018).
This groundbreaking book employs a transdisciplinary and poststructuralist methodology to develop the concept of ‘postfeminist healthism,’ a twenty-first-century understanding of women’s physical and mental health formed at the intersections of postfeminist sensibilities, neoliberal constructs of citizenship and the notion of health as an individual responsibility managed through consumption. Postfeminist healthism is used in this book to explore seven topics where postfeminist sensibility has the most impact on women’s health: self-help, weight, surgical technologies, sex, pregnancy, responsibilities for others’ health and pro-anorexia communities.

Lindsay Anne Balfour, Hospitality in a Time of Terror: Strangers at the Gate, Bucknell University Press (2017).
Hospitality in a Time of Terror: Strangers at the Gate offers a reading of hospitality that suggests the encounter with strangers is at the core of cultural production and culture itself in the aftermath of the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001. It documents the significance of hospitality after the attacks, particularly as such an ethics is so provocatively raised or disavowed by a predominantly visual and cultural archive that has been and continues to be consumed by millions of people around the world.

Gary Hall, The Uberfication of the University, University of Minnesota Press (2016).
The Uberfication of the University analyses the contemporary university’s implications for the future organization of labor and the emergence of the sharing or gig economy - and the companies behind it: LinkedIn, Uber, and Airbnb. The book considers the contemporary university, itself subject to such entrepreneurial practices, as one polemical site for the affirmative disruption of this platform capitalist model.

Gary Hall, Pirate Philosophy: For a Digital Posthumanities, MIT Press (2016).
In Pirate Philosophy, Gary Hall considers whether the fight against the neoliberal corporatization of higher education requires scholars to transform their own lives and labor. Is there a way for philosophers and theorists to act not just for or with the antiausterity and student protestors but in terms of their political struggles? Hall explores how those in academia can move beyond finding new ways of thinking about the world to find instead new ways of being theorists and philosophers in the world.

Adrienne Evans and Sarah Riley, Technologies of Sexiness: Sex, Identity and Consumer Culture, Oxford University Press (2014).
What does sexiness mean today? Has sexiness become something that is bought and sold? What identity effects does a sexiness informed by consumer culture have? This book addresses these questions, off the back of a heightened visibility of “sex,” “sexiness,” and “sexualization” in everyday life. Developing a theoretical and methodological framework from which to work productively within current understandings of sexiness in public life and academic discourse, this book expands on the notion of a “technology of sexiness.”