Our research themes
We will create a new type of scholarship that acts and applies learning from the world without acquiescing to it. Responding to the challenge of the postdigital, we will endeavour to be not constrained by what already exists but to rather invent new ways of existing through understanding and engaging with the social, the technological, and the cultural.
CPC team members work across the Centre’s themes. For all of our themes we will:
- Create a hub, a centre of excellence, for research into Postdigital Cultures.
- Build on our reputation for world-leading research with outputs for REF 2021 and create a roadmap for REF 2028
- Generate impact by influencing policy makers and responding to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals
- Contribute to local, national and international communities, with co-created experiences, events and workshops
- Disseminate and celebrate research findings – championing new areas of industry and education
- Grow PhD studentships, in the areas of both theory and practice
CPC's research themes
Image credit: Andrew Yip, Metascape: Villers Bretonneux, full body immersive environment, 2018. Image courtesy of Andrew Yip