PhD in Global Education
A structured PhD that is designed to develop you into an educational researcher with a global outlook - wherever you are in the world.
This theme focuses on engagement in leadership, management and educational policy in schools, universities and other educational organisations. Theme members have expertise in educational administration and leadership including global strategic issues, school leadership, leadership in higher education, educational finance and economics, policymaking, school psychology and well-being, teacher development and online learning, particularly at the PG level. Below are the research interests of the members of the theme:
We encourage doctoral students (PGRs) into research-inspired work on the PhD in Global Education especially if you do not live in the UK, but we also accept full-time and part-time face-to-face students.
Members within our theme mentor new researchers in educational leadership and policy research. Theme members work with various partners and with national and international groups researching leadership and policy, such as the The British Educational Leadership, Management and Administration Society (BELMAS) and The British Educational Research Society (BERA).
Members of our Theme are involved in national and international work. For example, , Professor Megan Crawford is a Fellow of the Academy of Social Sciences. Fellowships are awarded to those who have made a substantial contribution to wider social science and are leading figures in their field. Megan is also the Deputy Editor in Chief for Educational Management Administration and Leadership, a Q1 Journal published by Sage.
Dr Rami Ayoubi (Theme Lead) who is the Editor in Chief for Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, a Q1 journal published by Taylor and Francis, and a Principal Fellow of the Higher Education Academy (Advance HE) which is a fellowship awarded to individuals who demonstrate significant strategic leadership in academic practice and development within higher education sector.
Our work is published in more than seventy top academic journals in the field of educational management including: Educational Management Administration and Leadership, Higher Education, Studies in Higher Education, International Journal of Leadership in Education, Management in Education, Journal of Educational Administration and History, Journal of Education Policy, Journal of Marketing for Higher Education, Educational Review, Strategic Marketing Journal, European Journal of Higher Education, School Leadership and Management, Employee Relations Journal, International Journal of Educational Management, Journal of Professional Capital and Communit, Personnel Review, Education and Training Journal, International Higher Education Journal, Education Economics, Journal of Management Development, Asia Pacific Education Review, Leadership and Organisation Development Journal, Public Choice, International Journal of Organizational Analysis, Journal of Studies in International Education, Journal of Educational Administration, Public Organisation Review, Cogent Business and Management, Current Psychology, Journal of Development Studies, Euromed Journal of Business, Educational Studies, Journal of Further and Higher Education, International Journal of Management Education, International Journal of Public Administration, Higher Education Skills and Work Based Learning, Journal of Ethnic and Cultural Studie, Handbook of Internationalisation of Higher Education, Research in Autism Spectrum Disorders, University World News, Economic and Political Weekly, Large-scale Assessments in Education, Leadership and Policy in Schools, The Review of Economics and Statistics, Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, Teacher Development, The Language Learning Journal, Children and Youth Services Review, Journal of Multilingual and Multicultural Development, Central Asian Survey, Educational Assessment, Evaluation, & Accountability, Revista de la Educación Superior, Journal of Baltic Science Education, Journal of Religion and Health, Psihologija, European Journal of Psychology and Educational Research, Eurasia Journal of Mathematics, Electronic International Journal of Education, Arts, and Science, Science and Technology Education, European Journal of Educational Research, International Journal of Educational Reform, Educational Administration: Theory and Practice, London Review of Education, Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, Croatian Journal of Education, KEDI Journal of Educational Policy, Anthropologist, Journal of Educational Sciences Research, Race Equality Teaching, Quality Assurance in Education, Team Performance Management.
Our current work is focused around the key research question: In what ways does educational leadership, and educational leadership preparation, matter in an ever-changing policy environment in the UK’s four jurisdictions and elsewhere?
Theme members are also open to aligning their work with other educational research themes and centres in the leadership and policy area for mutual benefit. If you wish to find out more about this theme, discuss a potential project, or become a postgraduate researcher, please contact Dr Rami Ayoubi, theme lead for information.
Name | Title | |
Professor Megan Crawford | Theme lead | |
Dr Rami Ayoubi | Associate Professor (Research) | |
Dr Kartika Bhatia | Associate Professor | |
Dr Mehmet Karakus | Assistant Professor | |
Dr Sylwia Holmes | Assistant Professor | |
If you are interested in carrying out a PhD in educational leadership, with emphasis on policy, emotion, or team working please get in touch with Professor Megan Crawford.
We invite you to explore our online PhD in Global Education below. We offer students entry points in January and September each academic year. Offering a flexible route of study, we have integrated a track to master’s by research which you can take if you do not wish to progress to the PhD. This online, part-time programme is ideal for those looking to undertake a PhD whilst working in an educational setting.
A structured PhD that is designed to develop you into an educational researcher with a global outlook - wherever you are in the world.