Experts at Coventry University appeal for volunteers for a new study investigating the fate of the 850 workers who lost their jobs when van manufacturer LDV entered...
A two-day conference, taking place in Amsterdam next month, will bring together world leaders in serious games development and healthcare – helping to advance game...
In December 2012, Chas Morrison undertook a consultancy in Afghanistan on behalf of Cooperation for Peace & Unity, an Afghan NGO.
Academics have had their book proposal ‘Global Economic Crisis and Local Economic Development: International Cases and Policy Responses’ accepted by Routledge.
Dr Jason Begley and Professor Nigel Berkeley have had their article published
A Special Issue of the journal Local Economy guest edited by Professor Nigel Berkeley & Dr David Jarvis
Dr Moya Kneafsey and colleagues have successfully won the FP7 project ‘FOODMETRES’
John Beech has had an article co-authored with Professor Sebastian Kaiser on Perspectives of Sport-related Labour Market and Employment Research
Listen to the full Sian Aslop and Hilary Nesi interview here, as Sian tells us about her research into Engineering lectures, and culturally determined pragmatic features.
Encouraging people to grow more of their own food is not only beneficial to the environment but leads to improved health and wellbeing and creates stronger local...
Interim findings have been released from the Master Gardener programme evaluation undertaken by Dr Moya Kneafsey and Elizabeth Cheese
Dr Geraldine Brady, along with Pam Lowe (Aston University) aSpeSpecialnd Sonja Olin Lauritzen (Stockholm University, Sweden) are editing the 21st Sociology of Health and...