Spotlight on REF 2014 Results
Coventry University submitted nine units of assessment to the Research Excellence Framework (REF) in November 2013. 61% of our research was rated as 4* or 3* in REF 2014 (compared with 27% in RAE 2008) this is a significant increase. 92% of our research was rated as 4*, 3* or 2* in REF 2014 (compared with 62% in RAE 2008).
Some areas saw a tangible improvement, such as Allied Health Professions, underlining our excellence as a University generally in terms of Health and Life Sciences.
These ratings resulted in the University being ranked joint 5th in the UK for the quantity of its research in the Allied Health Professions category receiving the top ratings of four or three stars.
All units had some research that categorised as world-leading (4*) and all of the areas increased their overall score.
Our research strategy 'Excellence with Impact' will further build on these successes, strengthen our position as an innovative University and will enable us to apply fresh and original approaches to key research challenges.
As a University, we submitted 22 case studies for REF 2014. You can browse our submissions in further detail.
Watch Professor Kevin Warwick, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Research), deliver a message about these results, and the future at Coventry University:
For the full results please see data on the Research Excellence Framework REF) website.
See specific full results for Coventry University.