Distributive Justice and Macroeconomics

This event is part of the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity's public seminar series.

VIRTEU Roundtable Discussion: CSR, Business Ethics and Human Rights in the area of taxation

This series brings together special guests from renowned academic institutions, researchers associated with the VIRTEU project, and experts from enforcement agencies, non-governmental organisations and law firms to discuss the project’s shared goals.

Artificial intelligence and financial technology in global financial corporations - For good or for profit?

This event is part of the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity's public seminar series

The Legal Route from the (De)Responsibilisation of Corporations to Systemic Corruption

This event is part of the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity's public seminar series.

VIRTEU Roundtable Discussion: Exploring the interconnections between tax crimes and corruption

This series brings together special guests from renowned academic institutions, researchers associated with the VIRTEU project, and experts from enforcement agencies, non-governmental organisations and law firms to discuss the project’s shared goals.

Ownership of information during pandemics (COVID 19)

This public event is part of the CFCI seminar series.

Digital financial inclusion and bank stability Nexus: International evidence

This event is part of the Centre for Financial and Corporate Integrity's public seminar series

CFCI Seminar Series: Using Economic Sanctions to Promote Human Rights Abroad

This presentation will unpack some of the issues that arise from the fact that a human rights sanctions system is situated in the tension zone between legal norm-enforcement and political foreign policy instrumentality.

CFCI Seminar Series - EU – Vietnam Free Trade and Investment Agreements

CFCI Seminar Series - EU – Vietnam Free Trade and Investment Agreements - A critical analysis of the Investment Tribunal System (ITS)

CFCI Seminar Series - Corruption in the Oil and Gas Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa

CFCI Seminar Series - Corruption in the Oil and Gas Sector in Sub-Saharan Africa

CFCI Seminar Series - Blowing the Whistle on the Punishment of Whistleblowers

CFCI Seminar Series - Blowing the Whistle on the Punishment of Whistleblowers: A New Opportunity for the European Court of Human Rights to Uphold Freedom of Expression?

CFCI Seminar Series: Incentives and Whitelist in the Area of Anticorruption

CFCI Seminar Series: Incentives and Whitelist in the Area of Anticorruption