Call for Papers
The Centre for Business in Society invites papers on the topic of “Tensions in the Data Environment: Can Organisations Meet the Challenge?” Submissions need to meet the following criteria:
Applicants should submit an original abstract of 750-1000 words maximum (excluding appendices and references). Papers may contain tables and figures. References must begin on a new page, but be uploaded as part of the paper.
Format of submission: Microsoft Word document, A4-page formatted, 2.5cm margins on all sides, Single spaced throughout, 12-point Times Roman font (except for the title, which must be 14-point Times Roman). Furthermore, the title page should include the author(s)’ names and affiliation, contact details and email address and Page 2 should include the paper title, without the name of the paper’s author or indication of their institution. At least one author per submission must register to attend the conference by 1st November 2018. Submissions with no registered authors after this date will be withdrawn.
Submitted papers will be eligible for a special issue of Technological Forecasting and Social Change, an ABS3* ranked journal.
Abstracts accepted will be scheduled for presentation in ‘round table’ format, and audio/visual equipment will not be provided. You are advised to take copies of your abstract and any additional handouts to distribute to your audience for use on the day.
Abstracts will have 15/20 minutes allocated, but will be presented in 'round table' format with a discussion facilitator where a number of round tables will be scheduled in parallel and hence the audience is likely to be smaller. In all cases, it is intended that presenters and the chair/discussant for each session will have read each other's papers in advance (access to papers will be online to those registered to attend, approximately one month prior to the event).
The final upload of accepted abstracts will be included in the conference proceedings if an author is in attendance to present it. Proceedings containing the submitted abstracts will be made available.
Abstracts should be submitted via email to DOS.conference@coventry.ac.uk no later than 9am on the 1st October 2018.
Notification of acceptance will be by 12th October 2018.
Latest online registration by 1st November 2018.
Abstracts will be posted online by 9th November 2018.