Fiona Williams' story
To celebrate our 10-year anniversary, we’ve been chatting with some of our staff members who have been at Coventry University London from the very beginning. Fiona Williams joined Coventry University London in July 2011 as a receptionist and still works here to this day!
What was Coventry University London like when you first arrived?
Coventry University London was brand new and still finding its feet when I first joined as a part-time receptionist in July 2011. I was here to greet the first cohort of students when they arrived! Reception was stationed on the ground floor in University House, but it was further over to the right, where the café is now.
What have you seen change or evolve during your time working at Coventry University London?
The university has definitely changed in size and structure over the past 10 years. The amount of students that are enrolled here now is huge, especially in comparison to the first cohort of students. One of the biggest changes is how global we are now – we have students come to study here from all over the world, and we are setting up campuses worldwide.
What does being at the heart of the city’s financial district bring to both the student experience, and your experience as a member of staff?
Being within the financial district and within the square mile is a real bonus for our students, as they are able to immerse themselves in the very subject they are studying and soak up the atmosphere of being part of that real business experience. I love London, so my experience is good every day. I like making the journey in by train every day and I am happy to be part of every student’s experience when they walk through our doors.
What is it that makes Coventry University London so unique?
In my role as a Receptionist, it is definitely the students themselves which make the experience here so unique for me. No two cohorts are ever the same, and the opportunity to get to know as many students as possible is an important and special part of my role each day.
I have made so many friends and met so many students through my 10 years here, all of which are truly unforgettable. I still keep in contact with many old colleagues today and check in on them from time to time. Some of them are the ones I made friends with back in July 2011!
What would you like to see Coventry University London achieve in the future?
The London location is key for delivering the business experience that the students sign up for. I would love to see the university achieve even more partnerships using the companies around the square mile, to help deliver even more of ‘A Real Business Experience’.