Dr Sarah Holt
Assistant Professor in English
+44 (0)24 7765 4546About
Dr Holt is the Course Director for the MA in English Literature. She is also the module leader for Environment and the American West (level 7), African American Writing: Place, Race, and Identity (level 6), The American West: Real and Imagined (level 5) and Writing the American Nation (level 4).
Career overview
Sarah is a long-serving member of staff. After teaching in Egypt and Poland, she joined Coventry University as a Teacher of English as a Foreign Language. She later changed career pathways to teach American literature.
Sarah holds a PhD (2022) in African American Western Writing from Staffordshire University.
Sarah’s thesis focused on the relationship between Frontier mythology, the Western literary form, and the construction of contemporary racial and gendered Western identities.
She is currently exploring publication opportunities for her research.
External activities
Sarah contributed to Routledge’s Annotated Bibliography for English Studies.
She has travelled abroad on behalf of the university to deliver lectures, assess candidates’ English, and present at conferences.