Graduation at CU Coventry
Your graduation is the culmination of your studies and is an important event for you, your family and friends.
The next CU Coventry graduation will be:
Tuesday 16 July 2024 at 11.00am
Students eligible to graduate in Summer 2024 will be released to register from 7 May 2024. When registration is opened you will receive an email invite via your University email account.
Your results should be available to you, via SOLAR, by no later than 17 June 2024. Results released via AULA are not official results.
If your results have not been officially released, you are not eligible to attend events even if you receive the registration email and complete the registration process. In such cases, you may be eligible to attend events later in the year.
Please note: Students studying at our Collaborative Partners, both overseas and in the UK, will be contacted by our Academic Partnership Unit in regards to registration. Please do not contact the Academic Registry team.
Please note: You will not be eligible to attend the graduation ceremony if your Progression and Award Board determines that you have not met the requirements of your award, you intend to enrol on a further stage of your course (e.g. a top-up to honours degree), you have an appeal in progress or you have an outstanding debt to the University (blocked or excluded).
Registration officially closes on Monday 17 June 2024. Tickets are issued on the day (see below for further information). Please do not email the Graduation team asking us to register you manually as we are not able to do so. If you experience issues when trying to register please ensure you are using a laptop or computer (not a phone), android based and Google Chrome or Firefox.
Once you have registered you need to pre-order your gown via the Ede & Ravenscroft website. You need to order your gown by no later than Monday 1 July 2024. Please note this is an external company. We are not able to book gowns on your behalf or answer any questions in relation to gown hire or costs.
For those students who have been awarded by the deadline and are eligible to attend, you will collect your certificate on the day of your graduation when you collect your tickets. Any certificates not collected on the day will be posted out, following the Graduation events.
It is important that your Correspondence address is updated on SOLAR no later than Monday 17 June 2024. Following the ceremonies, certificates are posted by standard post within the UK and Europe, and by DHL to the rest of the world. You should allow up to three weeks for delivery to a UK address, or up to six weeks for delivery to an address outside of the UK before contacting us via email at graduation.reg@coventry.ac.uk to report that your certificate has not been received.
Please do not contact us before these deadlines have passed to chase up your certificate.
Whilst you await your certificate, if you require evidence of your award for employment purposes or further study, you have access to your HEAR which is your formal transcript. Further information about the HEAR can be found here: Higher Education Achievement Report | Coventry University. We do not provide electronic certificates. Please note that the University is not responsible for any certificates not received due to an incorrect address. If you do not update your address by the above deadline and your certificate is posted to an incorrect address via the online shop, to replace your certificate you may have to pay the appropriate fee.
If you are searching for a job or plan to go on to further study, a prospective employer or university can still check your award with our verification partner by following the simple instructions at Hedd.
You will not be eligible to attend the graduation ceremony if your Progression and Award Board determines that you have not met the requirements of your award or you intend to enrol on a further stage of your course (e.g. a top-up to honours) or you have an appeal in progress or you are blocked or excluded due to outstanding debt. Results released or debt cleared before the ceremony but after the deadline of Monday 17 June 2024 means you are not eligible. Please disregard any confirmation of registration, you will be invited to the ceremonies in the spring.
As an alumni, you will receive regular news about events, reunions and ways to get involved. It’s really important that we have the most up to date contact details for you so that we can keep in touch with you and let you know about these opportunities. You can update your contact details with our Alumni team. If you have any questions about graduation please email us at graduation.reg@coventry.ac.uk.
Facts about the day
Please note: You cannot choose which ceremony to attend. You will automatically be allocated to the ceremony closet to the date you have been officially awarded by your Progression and Award Board. You may only request to defer your ceremony if you have extenuating circumstances such as serious medical condition, for yourself or your allocated guest or military deployment etc. You will need to email graduation.reg@coventry.ac.uk to make a request if you have grounds and provide third party evidence to support that request. If any of your allocated guests require a carer you will also need to contact graduation.reg@coventry.ac.uk to make this request and provide third party medical evidence to support this.
Any requests for deferring or carers tickets need to be made by no later than Monday 17 June 2024.
In the event that any or all of the Graduation ceremonies have to be cancelled, rescheduled or postponed, Coventry University cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred.
Coventry University graduation ceremonies are considered to be public events. There may be a university photographer present and by attending you give us permission to use any general crowd photos you appear in for marketing purposes.
Coventry University does not accept responsibility and expressly excludes liability to the fullest extent permitted by law for:
- Any loss or damage to any personal property left unattended during an event organised by the university unless caused by the negligence of the university or its employees; or
- Death or any personal injury suffered by you at a university event unless caused by the negligence of the university or its employees.
The University has the right to refuse you and your guests entry to the event if you are late or if you are abusive to staff or other guests attending the event. The ticket desk will close 30 minutes prior to the start of the ceremony. If you arrive after this time you will not be permitted entry to that ceremony. The University is not obliged to offer you an alternative ceremony under these circumstances.
Once you have collected your tickets you must ensure you enter the Cathedral 15 minutes before the event is due to start. If you do not arrive 15 minutes in advance the doors will be closed and you will not be permitted to enter. This is to avoid disruption to graduates and guests who have arrived on time and are seated waiting for the event to begin. The University cannot be held responsible for any costs incurred.