In today's globally competitive marketplace, we believe that metrology plays a crucial part in the manufacturing process to ensure quality and efficiency.
Year of entry
Coventry University (Coventry)
Study mode
2 years part-time
Course code
Start date
September 2024
Getting it wrong can prove costly, as bad data can be disruptive to decision making and improvement planning. However, getting it right helps to manage risk and support quality management, continuous improvement and waste reduction activities that enhance productivity.
Metrology is the science of measurement. Industrial metrology is the application of metrology within manufacturing and its supporting services. It is a keystone of manufacturing trade and productivity. No trade can take place without some form of measurement validation to say that the component part or batch of parts conform to design intent and specification.
Sustainable trade comes from supplying quality parts on time and for a competitive cost, therefore effective measurement is a key function in gaining confidence in data, driving productivity and so a pillar in supporting that business objective.
The aim of this course is to produce industrial metrologists that offer a lead to their organisations in relation to measurement issues and metrology planning. Gaining a deep understanding of industrial metrology planning and evaluation tools as well as the importance of metrology in driving productivity.
We regularly review our course content, to make it relevant and current for the benefit of our students. For these reasons, course modules may be updated.
Developed in consultation with Industry and stakeholders, this part-time vocational entry course is a uniquely focused industrial metrology course. The teaching aim is to develop and expand the knowledge of industrial engineers and measurement specialists to optimise metrology within their company.
Lectures are 15 hours per 20 credit module, taught in two day blocks for the six modules per year, for two years. A lecture launches each module, followed by a period of work-based application back in your company. At the end of that module learning period, you are assessed. The employer-driven intent of this course is to improve and deepen knowledge, develop work-based application skills and provide benefit to your company as you learn.
The typical lecture is designed for campus attendance with online tools utilised for remote support. The total contact hours are however a combination of face-to-face teaching and online classes/sessions.
As an innovative and enterprising institution, the University may seek to utilise emerging technologies within the student experience. For all courses (whether on-campus, blended, or distance learning), the University may deliver certain contact hours and assessments via online technologies and methods.
Since COVID-19, we have delivered our courses in a variety of forms, in line with public authority guidance, decisions, or orders and we will continue to adapt our delivery as appropriate. Whether on campus or online, our key priority is staff and student safety.
Each 20 credit module will be assessed by coursework against the modules learning outcomes, assessment will utilise a variety of methods, including written reports, case studies, tests and individual and group presentations. The final module is a work-based project where you, where applicable, can resolve a work-based measurement issue.
The Coventry University Group assessment strategy ensures that our courses are fairly assessed and allows us to monitor student progression towards achieving the intended learning outcomes.
Typical offer for 2024/25 entry.
We pride ourselves on offering competitive tuition fees which we review on an annual basis and offer a wide range of scholarships to support students with their studies. Course fees are calculated on the basis of what it costs to teach each course and we aim for total financial transparency.
For more information, please visit our Finance pages.
Student | Full-time | Part-time |
UK | Not available | £6,800 |
EU | Not available | Not available |
International | Not available | £10,600 |
In today’s fast-moving and competitive world of business, we believe that developing good metrology practice has never been more important for securing better data, decision making and managing risk.
We believe that metrology plays a vital role in modern life with specialist skills increasingly relied upon in energy, environment, life sciences, automotive, aerospace, defence, government, manufacturing and commerce. Employees working in measurement and calibration across the UK we consider to be responsible for applications including monitoring pollutants in the air, calibrating radiotherapy equipment or ensuring vehicle safety.
We have tried to shape this course in line with the manufacturing engineering industry with the aim of providing students with the skills and expertise needed in this field, and to help attempt to add substantial value to any current or future employer.
Upon successful completion, you will have knowledge of:
You will be able to:
Previous graduates of the course have included inspectors, quality engineers, quality managers, manufacturing or production engineers, laboratory and measurement technicians and metrologists.