Health and Science
Coventry University’s Faculty of Health and Life Sciences is home to the largest selection of forward thinking vocational health and social care courses in the Midlands.
The Faculty has a world-renowned reputation for developing exceptional, industry-ready graduates and successful leaders. Apprentices have the opportunity to study in our new multi-million pound Alison Gingell Building, opened by the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge on January 16 2018.
Learning through exploring underpins everything our students do in the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences at Coventry University. Our new Alison Gingell Building provides state-of-the-art facilities, including hospital simulation, rehabilitation, clinical skills training, sport and exercise environments. The building also includes a BioSciences super-lab alongside a range of life sciences research facilities.
Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship
The Chartered Manager Degree Apprenticeship (CMDA) at Coventry University enables employers to develop first-class leadership talent as apprentices gain a BA (Hons) Management & Leadership academic qualification. This apprenticeship also develops the skills, experience, knowledge and behaviours required to achieve a Chartered Management Institute (CMI) Diploma in Management & Leadership and full Chartered Manager status with the designator letters 'CMgr'.
The programme is equally suitable for new employees and existing members of staff new to a role. It is designed to build the learner's ability to manage people, projects, operations and/or services.
There is no upper age limit but all applicants must be over the age of 18.
Nursing Associate
Level 5 Foundation Degree | 2 years
A highly trained support role to deliver effective, safe and responsive nursing care in and across a wide range of health and care settings. Nursing Associates work independently, and with others, under the leadership and direction of a Registered Nurse within defined parameters, to deliver care in line with an agreed plan. Nursing Associates will have a breadth of knowledge and a flexible, portable skill set to serve local health populations, in a range of settings covering pre-life to end of life. The Nursing Associate apprentice must meet the 15 standards as set out in the Care Certificate, prior to taking their end point assessment.
Responsibilities and duty of the role: Working within the sphere of nursing the Nursing Associate delivers high quality person-centred care across health and social care settings. The Nursing Associate works within all aspects of the nursing process, taking account of the perspectives and pathways of individuals, their families and/or carers providing holistic and person-centred care to individuals, supporting the registered nurse in the assessment, planning, delivery and evaluation of care.
Advanced Clinical Practitioner
Level 7 | 3 years
Apprentices on this innovative course will become autonomous senior clinicians and clinical leaders. They will employ evidence and research to influence and shape practice. They will be able to educate patients and develop colleagues, building sustainable teams as excellent role models.
Apprentices will be experienced healthcare practitioners registered with the Nursing and Midwifery Council (NMC), Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC) or the General Pharmaceutical Council (GPC) who wish to be prepared to fulfil specific Advanced Clinical Practitioner roles.
This influential course attracts highly motivated, experienced practitioners, who want to make a difference in their practice settings. It encourages a wide variety of healthcare professionals to work and study collaboratively to influence current clinical practice. Developed in active partnership with practice stakeholders, subject experts, service users and students; the course is tailored towards creating Advanced Clinical Practitioners who are fully focused on meeting patient need.
Eight pathways are offered including: General, Integrated Care, Urgent & Emergency, Musculoskeletal, Neonatal, Children & Young People, Mental Health, Generic.
Operations/Departmental Manager
Managing teams and projects in line with a private, public or voluntary organisation's operational or departmental strategy.
An operations/departmental manager is someone who manages teams and/or projects, achieving operational or departmental goals and objectives as part of the delivery of the organisation's strategy. They are accountable to a more senior manager or business owner. Working in the private, public or third sector and in all sizes of organisation, specific responsibilities and job titles will vary, but the knowledge, skills and behaviours needed will be the same.
Key responsibilities may include creating and delivering operational plans, managing projects, leading and managing teams, managing change, financial and resource management, talent management, coaching and mentoring. Roles may include Operations Manager, Regional Manager, Divisional Manager, Department Manager and specialist managers.
Senior Leader Master's Degree Apprenticeship
Level 7
A leader is someone who has senior management responsibility, and this can include formal governance/director responsibilities. They are responsible for direction and vision, providing a clear sense of purpose and driving strategic intent. They take into account market trends and environmental influences, identifying longer-term opportunities and risks. Through inclusive leadership, they are responsible for developing ethical, innovative and supportive cultures with the ability to deliver results.
They are a role model, with responsibility for those in senior positions/significant organisational budgets.
BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy
Level 6 | 4 years
This integrated degree apprenticeship is a four-year course requiring a combination of day release (approximately one day a week) and clinical placements (between six and eight weeks long). Employers and tutors at Coventry University work in close partnership to develop apprentices’ skills and expertise in all core areas of physiotherapy. At the end of the course, apprentices who successfully pass all modules and the End Point Assessment (EPA) will receive a BSc (Hons) Physiotherapy degree and will could be eligible to apply to the Health and Care Professions Council (HCPC).
BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy
Level 6 | 4 years
Apprentices will study alongside full-time students and undertake the same level of training and education. Upon successful completion of all modules within the degree, as well as an End Point Assessment (EPA), successful apprentices will achieve a BSc (Hons) Occupational Therapy degree.
The occupational therapy teaching team at Coventry University have a long history of providing degree level work-based training, and will work alongside your occupational therapy mentor, based in your workplace, to support your continuing professional development.
Assistant Practitioner in Healthcare
Level 5 | 2 years
For the duration of this two-year course, apprentices will spend one day a week in university during term-time to study for its academic component, and four days a week working in their usual role and completing clinical competencies. The university Assistant Practitioner team and work-based mentors will work together to support students’ development throughout the course.
The successful completion of this course provides an opportunity for career progression into other healthcare roles by affording the academic entry criteria required to apply for relevant pre-registration programmes of study.
Operating Department Practitioner
Level 6 | 3 years
The Operating Department Practitioner Integrated Degree Apprenticeship offers a route for employers, working in partnership with Coventry University, to grow their own future operating department practitioner workforce. This course is equally suitable for new employees and existing members of staff
Registered Nurse (Degree)
Level 6
Further information to follow.
Courses coming soon
These courses are currently in development and will be available shortly.
If you are interested in taking on an apprentice in any of these areas, please complete our register your interest form:
Register your interestHealthcare Science Associate
Level 4
Laboratory Scientist
Level 6